Chapter Ten

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(Hehe... there's a little surprise later on in this chapter. 😊 Now just enjoy what I've been listening to while I write)

[A couple months later]
[Third Person]

Over the last couple months, Reich had gotten used to taking care of Soviet's kids. He almost... enjoyed it. While Soviet was off at work, Reich would watch them. It made it much easier than hiring someone to look after them. Prussia, Austria, and Hungary hung around more as well.

Prussia and Kaz got along rather well, and Bel enjoyed spending her time pestering Reich with questions while he took care of Estonia. Russia, Germany, and Ukraine were inseparable now that they knew they were siblings, and Reich didn't mind.

Suddenly, one of the children's faces lit up. "It's snowing outside!!" One cried. He still had yet to fully memorize each name, but he was trying. Several of the other children and teens crowded around the back door. "Woah.. It is!" Bel was excited.

Kaz looked over at Prussia and Reich and popped a question. "Have you ever flown in the snow before? It's awesome!" He was once again filled with childish wonder, watching the flakes fall. Reich shook his head quietly, laughing. "I have yet to experience such a thing. Perhaps we'll do so after your father comes back."

Soviet came back about an hour later, instantly crowded by impatient children. "Can we go out and watch Kaz and Reich fly?? Pleeeeaseee??" Estonia clung to Soviet's leg and begged, he was given no choice but to cave in.

He looked around his children, passing out their coats. "You know the drill. If you get cold, come back inside." Several of them nodded and Reich snorted teasingly. "You mean to tell me Russian's get cold?" He was being sarcastic, obviously, and Soviet chuckled quietly. "Unfortunately? Yes."

The snow was coming down rather heavily, but it was soft enough to be able to fly in. The ground already had a decently thick layer on the ground. Kaz took off first, Reich following soon after. The chill was a bit strange, but it wasn't unpleasant.

The pair soared over the house, flipping and twirling in several directions. Russia and Prussia stayed firmly on the ground, watching this go on. Prussia however had a building feeling of dread as the pair got higher.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. "Something's wrong.." He muttered, and Soviet, being the closest to him, caught it. "What is-?" He questioned, but it was soon answered seconds later as a sharp whistle could be heard shooting through the sky.

Reich heard it before he felt it make impact, shoving Kaz down and out of the way to take the full force damage of the harpoon now piercing his chest. He choked slightly, and Kaz screamed. Reich didn't quite remember what happened next, but he did remember his wings folding like paper as he dropped from the sky.

Prussia was up in an instant, shooting up towards Reich and catching him before descending. Kaz was already on flat ground, shaking. Blood had spattered his face and clothes, and the snow where Prussia landed was already stained a dark red.

Soviet was frozen in shock. Was this Britain's comeback? It was soon made clear that it was when they examined the harpoon later. Reich was blinking hazily at the sea of faces above him. His chest hurt.. why did his chest hurt again? And he was so cold..

He tried to sleep, only to have his hair yanked firmly by Prussia. "Ow..-" He whimpered, blinking up at the hazy black and white face above him. "Stay the fuck with us. No sleeping." He snapped, once again attempting to address the wound in Reich's chest. "But I'm cold.." Reich groaned, raising a hand only to find it covered in blood.

Suddenly, a soft voice could be heard from the side of the house. "May I be of any assistance?" The voice was low, and all to familiar to Reich. Gentle... he remembered that voice from his childhood. Faintly, but he remembered. Prussia's head jerked up, his one visible eye widening. "A-H?!"

Reich, still laying there with a fucking harpoon in his stomach turned his head towards the voice. "Mutter-?" He coughed, voice hoarse. A-H came into his blurry view moments later. "Oh my poor boy... What have you gotten into now.." A-H stroked the sweaty hair off his forehead, also wiping the bloody tears off his cheeks.

Prussia gripped the end of the harpoon before looking down at Reich. "I gotta pull this out. Okay?" Reich nodded weakly to the question, and after Soviet shooed the younger children inside, the harpoon was tugged out. Reich cried out sharply, gripping the hand his mother had lent him and digging his nails into the flesh. A-H didn't complain.

The rest of what happened next was rather hazy, but Reich faintly remembered his body being wrapped and a pair of strong arms picking him up. The person smelled heavily of cigar smoke and some unknown alcohol.

He woke up some awkward hours later to find Germany cuddled into his side, Prussia and Soviet taking up the two chairs in his bedroom, and A-H gently stroking his hair. He attempted to sit up, only to gasp and fall back. "Ah.. Fick. Ow." He groaned, gripping his head. It felt like his skull was trying to split in half.

A-H gently grabbed his hand, moving it. "Don't stress yourself dear.. you're alright now." He spoke softly, as not to wake up Germany. Prussia watched the mother son pair from his seat in the room. "Now.. I don't mean to be rude, but now is as good as it's gonna get. I thought you were dead A-H." He was blunt, and A-H laughed quietly.

"For the longest time, I was. Until I just- opened my eyes one day and I wasn't." He explained as best he could, seeming confused himself. Reich relaxed in his mothers lap. "I'm glad you're back Mutter..." His voice was still hoarse, he must have been screaming or crying or something. He just didn't know.

Soviet was still sitting quietly, he had yet to say a word. Worry was still clear across his features, even as Reich spoke and made conversation. He shook it off. Reich was fine now. He wasn't going to die. He didn't know why he was so concerned.

A-H looked his son over several times. "Have your older brothers been keeping an eye on you as I told them too? They better be." His voice showed a hint of malicious intent, and Reich laughed quietly. "They've been keeping an eye on me. It's fine." He insisted on this several times before A-H finally relaxed. "Me and your father are going to need to have a word when I see him next.." He murmured, slight anger pinching his features. Reich laughed.

"Oh, trust me Mutter. I'm sure you'll see him sooner than you think."

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