Chapter Two

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(An idea of what Reich and Soviet look like thanks to my lovely cousin Cass (Rest in peace honey.))

[Third Person]

Reich was knee deep in preparing for the gathering when the bell went off at the front door. He looked in that direction before turning his head to Germany. "Would you please get that?" He asked, holding up the glasses still in his hands. "On it!" Germany left the room, feet pounding down the hall as soon as he exited the ballroom. Reich went back to gently placing the glasses on tables as Germany yanked the door open, only to freeze at the sight that laid beyond it. He glared at the person at the door. "Britain."

Britain gave him a sickeningly sweet smile, crossing his arms. "Is your mother here by any chance?" He questioned, quirking an eyebrow up. Germany huffed. "You know for a fucking fact he never leaves the house." He continued to glare at him, blocking the doorway as he attempted to enter the house. "Now now, is that any way to treat a guest?" Britain was growing impatient. Germany rolled his eyes. "I said he wouldn't see you now fuck off." He then attempted to slam the door, only to catch Britain's foot in it.

"My my so rude. I only wish to speak with Reich. I'm not like that brute Soviet." Britain snapped, glaring through the crack. "No. You're almost worse." Reich snapped back, entering the room carefully with his arms crossed over his chest. Germany looked over in shock. "Mutter-! I thought you were doing the glasses-" Reich cut him off, shushing him. "I heard raised voices." He said simply, head inclined in Britain's direction. "What are you doing here?"

Britain flashed another sickeningly sweet smile, unseen by Reich. "I wanted to speak to you about allia-" "Shut up." Reich snapped at him, cutting him off. "I am so sick and tired of all this alliance shit. Why not just go speak to France and fix your own shit." He was pissed, of course. This man had shown up to his home with no warning and his only reasoning was alliance plans? Disgusting.

Britain's face had darkened and he glared at Reich. "When did you find the nerve to refuse the one on the winning side of the war?" He hissed. Germany backed up a bit, unsure what to do in this time of situation. Reich outright laughed. "And who was losing for the longest time, hm?" He smirked at Britain, eyes still unseen behind the blindfold. Britain was furious. "Last time I checked, it was still you."

If Reich still had his own working eyes, he would have rolled them. "Oh you Narcissistic Prick. Can't even remember how the war played out. Pathetic." He snapped at him, hand gently reaching down to grab the dagger hidden in his back pocket. He was ready to stab the British man right then and there. Britain sensed this, and huffed before turning to leave. "Fine. I'll go. But you can expect to see me tonight." He then slammed the door, making Reich flinch at the sudden loud noise.

Germany was at Reich's side in an instant. "Mutter-? Are you alright?" He held his arm as he swayed gently, holding his head in his hand. "I'm fine. That noise was just.. loud-" He had to search for the right word for a moment before tilting his head in Germany's direction. "Please take me to the ballroom so I can sit down." Germany nodded, leading his mother to the ballroom and seating him in a chair. 

"There. Better?" He questioned, crouching next to his mother, ready to get anything he might need. Reich nodded, ruffling his hair. "Yes Deutschland. I'm alright now." He messed with one of the glasses on the table as he spoke. Germany nodded, unseen. "I'll continue setting things up Mutter. You just rest." He then stood without waiting for an answer, and moved around the ballroom setting up glasses on tables. After all, this was the event Germany had been waiting for.

Every year during the Spring and Autumn seasons, Reich would hold a party in his ballroom. They were always a town-wide event, full of food, dancing, and music. It was one of Germany's favorite events. He always made plenty of friends. These dances were always full of surprises.

Everything was eventually set up, and Germany returned to his mothers side. "Everything has been completed Mutter. What shall we do now?" He asked, gently helping Reich to his feet as he extended his hand. "Well, we can always pick the music. We haven't done that yet." He smiled at his son, holding his arm and laughing as Germany acted like a gentleman.

He always said 'we' but in all honestly he meant 'Germany' since of course, he couldn't see. How could he pick music if he couldn't see the titles? Germany always took the 'we' seriously and read out each song name, letting Reich pick some and he picked some of his own. They spent their time like this constantly and by the end of it both of them were sore from laughing. Germany thought this was the best bond a mother and son could have.

Reich smiled down at Germany. "Alright. Off to bed with you. You need energy for tonight." He ruffled Germany's hair as he complained. "Mutter you know I always have energy." He whined, being pushed upstairs. "Ah ah ah. You said that during the Spring one and fell asleep before the night was over! Now, bed." He shushed his whining, pushing him gently into his room. "I'll come get you before the festivities start. Get some rest." He smiled at his son before gently closing the door, walking to his own room to find something to do. Probably polish one of the many guns he kept hidden away under the bed. He loved his guns.

Sometime later he heard footsteps in the hall and looked up from the weapon he had been polishing. "Deutschland. I told you to rest." He was a little agitated from being disturbed. The mystery person said nothing. "Deutschland-?" He questioned quietly, growing confused. Then, he paid a little more attention to the heartbeat and froze.

"What are you doing in my house Sowjet."

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