Chapter Eight

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[Third Person]

Reich sat there for a moment before quietly wiping his face, standing up and grabbing a pair of clothes. "I'll be down in a moment." He muttered, walking to the bathroom to change. About five minutes later, he descended the stairs. "Father. Weimar." He snapped, crossing his arms at the bottom of the stairs. This was not how he wanted to spend his morning.

GE rolled his eyes. "Oh please. You should be pleased I even showed up." He snapped back, earning a short burst of sarcastic laughter from Reich. "Oh sure. Like I'd be pleased to see the man who KILLED MY FUCKING MOTHER?" He shrieked, and Germany grabbed his arm worriedly.

Weimar huffed. "Oh please. He didn't care." He hissed. Reich's head snapped in his direction. "Why would mother care about an incompetent brat like you?" He hissed, furious. Weimar jerked forward, only to be held back by GE. "Let it go Weimar. What's done is done." He snapped. Reich wanted to punch both of them.

Germany kept his grip on his mothers arm, worried if he let go, something would happen. GE noticed this, and started laughing harshly. "Oh please. You need that half-bred brat to take care you you?" He snapped, and Reich's face darkened.

"Don't call my son a half-bred brat." He hissed darkly, free hand reaching for his dagger. Weimar snorted, tagging onto his fathers sentence. "Isn't father right though? His father is that communist bastard isn't he?" He grinned as Reich tried to jerk forward. "SHUT UP!" He yelled, dagger in hand. GE recognized it easily. "That's A-H's dagger isn't it."

Reich really wanted to roll his eyes at this point, but he couldn't. The blindfold prevented that. Plus, it really wasn't good for his eyes as it stands. He twirled the dagger in his fingers before speaking. "And if it is mothers dagger? It's not like you cared enough to collect it." He hissed.

GE's face darkened. "You have no right to hold that shitty piece of metal you insolent bastard. Hand it over." He was two seconds from taking it himself. Reich laughed. "I'm not a child anymore. I don't have to listen to you. Besides, Mother gave it to me, not you." He was pissed.

GE stood there for a moment, confused. "He gave that to you?" He hissed, earning another sharp laugh from his son. "Yes. Mother gave it to me. Told me it was important." He continued to twirl it in his fingers, agitating GE.

Before anyone could blink, the door burst open and a different figure entered, tackling GE to the ground. "You bastard leave the boy alone!" He yelled, and Reich smiled softly. Germany was confused. "Who is that-?" He whispered to his mother, who smiled at him and responded, just as quiet, "That would be your Great Uncle, Prussia."

Germany blinked. Then, he looked at the chaos by the front door. Weimar was backed against the wall and GE was pinned to the ground. Prussia had a knee on his back and was holding his wrists together like he was arresting him. "Get off of me you fool!" GE yelled, earning his face being shoved in the floor.

Prussia looked up at Reich, then at Germany. "You two alright?" He questioned, and Reich nodded. "Thanks for showing up. Now all we need is Hungary and Austria." He said the last part sarcastically, and Prussia's face changed colors. "Ah.. well..-" Two more figures showed up in the doorway.

Reich sighed. "What a perfect reunion.." He mumbled this sarcastically, but Austria picked it up. He agreed, just as sarcastically. "Oh yes. Lovely. The best." Both Reich and Hungary snorted at his tone. Prussia looked between the siblings for a moment before shrugging and yanking GE to his feet.

GE still insisted on struggling, kicking a leg back in an attempt to get his brother to release him. Prussia shifted out of the way easily, snorting. "You, little brother, are going back home. Along with you." He snapped, eyeing Weimar. He complied, following Prussia out and glaring at his siblings before slamming the doors.

This left Reich, Hungary, Austria, and a very confused Germany in the building. Hungary looked around absently. "Nothing's really changed since we were here last. Aside from the bullet holes in the floor.." He muttered, and Reich sighed. "That would be because of Britain." He gently shooed Germany's hand off his arm. "Deutschland I'm fine."

Hungary darted over, examining Germany before looking at Reich. "And where are the other two?" He questioned, and Reich froze. "What other two..?" He questioned quietly, looking uncomfortable. Germany was extremely confused. "Other two what-?" He asked, but both of them ignored him.

Hungary narrowed his eyes at Reich. "You mean to tell me you haven't told him?" He was a little pissed. After Germany had been born they thought they would be raised together, you know, like a family. But here they found out they weren't?

Reich crossed his arms, still attempting to lie his way out of it. "Haven't told him what Hungary. There's nothing to tell." He snapped, and Hungary snorted. "Fine. I'll tell the boy myself-" He was cut off by a panicked cry. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE." Reich yelled, and Germany flinched, shocked.

"What is going on?!" He questioned loudly, earning the attention of the three siblings in the room. "Nothing!" Reich snapped hurriedly, and Hungary snorted again. "Oh please. Just tell the god damn boy." He was glaring at Reich. This wasn't like him at all not to tell Germany something.

Austria chose this time to cut in. "Perhaps he doesn't want to yet-?" He proposed quietly, and Hungary glared at him. "Don't take his side! The boy deserves to know!" He snapped, and Austria narrowed his eyes at his twin brother quietly. He didn't say another word.

Reich had his arms wrapped around himself and was quietly rocking back and forth on his heels. Germany couldn't take the silence anymore. "SOMEONE TELL ME WHATS GOING ON!" He cried out, and the attention resumed on him.

"Ask your mother." Hungary snapped, pointing at Reich, who flinched at his tone. Austria cut in again. "Hungary. Be nice. He's stressed." He murmured, putting his arm around Reich's shoulder. Hungary rolled his eyes. "We're all stressed right now Austria. He needs to tell the boy about his siblings."

Reich and Germany froze. Germany slowly turned to Reich, eyes wide. Reich buried his face in Austria's shoulder, shaking. Germany didn't know what to say.

"I have siblings..-? Mutter.. why didn't you tell me..?"

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