Chapter Six

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[Next Morning]
[Third Person]

Reich woke up at his usual time the next morning to find Germany cuddled against his side, acting as he used too when he was younger during a thunderstorm. Reich smiled softly, rubbing his hair. "Sleep well Deutschland. I'm going to clean the mess downstairs." He murmured, giving his son a small kiss on the forehead.

Germany gripped his sleeve, yawning and sitting up, rubbing his eyes. "I got it.. it'll be easier for me to do it." He mumbled, stretching and yawning again. Reich sighed. "How about we clean together then hm? You get rid of the blood, I'll sweep the bullet shells." He popped the idea, and Germany nodded sleepily. "Let me wake up first..-" He yawned a third time, sliding off the opposite side of the bed.

Reich chuckled quietly. "You truly are turning into me, hm? Take all the time you need." He then got up, grabbing a change of clothes from the closet and going to the bathroom to shower and change.

Germany exited the room, padding towards his own room for a change of clothes when he looked downstairs and saw the damage. Two small bullet holes rested in the floor, and a puddle of dried blood rested in two separate spots on the floor. One from Britain spitting it, and the other from his hand.

He trembled at the thought of what happened last night and hurried to his room. He didn't want to think about it. Britain had grabbed him and dragged him downstairs while he was still half asleep, and when he had realized what was happening he had shrieked. He still remembered quite vividly the barrel of the gun pressed against his skull. That had been his mothers gun.

How did he know this? Because during his own youth before the war was in full swing, Reich had shown him several of his prized weapons. Germany had been four or five at the time, so the childish awe always made Reich laugh. He still had that awe whenever he saw the full force of his mothers weapon stash.

Germany loved to listen to his mother rant about his favorite weapons, since it gave him something to do. Sometimes, Reich would take him out back and let him fire a couple rounds with some of them. He wasn't the best at it, but he was getting there.

He finally broke out of his small trance, running to his room to change. He had something to look forward to, after all. It had been awhile since he saw Russia and the rest of them. He especially liked hanging out with Russia because the taller boy treated him like his brother.

(hehe... "treated him like his brother" is a hint. 😊)

[When Noon rolled around]
[Still Third Person]

Reich and Germany had finished cleaning the floor about twenty minutes before the doorbell rang. Germany ran to open it and was greeted by a bear hug from several of Soviet's children. Reich stood against the railing, patting Ukraine on the back gently as he ran in and hugged him. Reich didn't know what it was, but Ukraine seemed to favor him over his own father.

Estonia hugged Reich's leg, per usual, and several of the older children crowded around Germany to catch up. Ukraine sat on the stairs by Reich, talking about some show he had been watching. Reich listened absently, hating this already. He never really was good with children, even though Soviet's kids seemed to adore him.

Soviet stood in the corner, watching this go down before walking to Reich's side. "You hate this already don't you." He chuckled at Reich's sour expression. "Oh wow is it that obvious? Yes. I hate this already. It's so.. loud..-" He rubbed the bridge of his nose, groaning quietly. Soviet reached down, grabbing Estonia.

The small boy was, however, quite stubborn. He kept a firm grip on Reich's leg and insisted on staying put. Reich could barely stand the child, which was made obvious, but Estonia didn't care. Belarus and Kazakhstan both ran over, grinning at Reich.

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