Chapter Seven

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[Third Person]

Reich was six or seven at the time. His parents were arguing downstairs again. Something shattered against the wall, and loud voices could be heard shouting. "I can't DO THIS ANYMORE GE." A-H shouted, and something else shattered. "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME." He shrieked. Seconds later, a loud thump could be heard from downstairs.

A barely audible snort could be heard. "You incompetent whore. Why did I marry you?" GE snapped. A-H could be heard crying on the floor. "I'm fucking leaving." He hissed, getting to his feet. This was not what Reich wanted to hear. GE burst into laughter. "Good! Take that brat of yours with you!" He yelled, referring to Reich.

GE had never liked Reich. He had always favored Weimar. A-H walked up the stairs, finding Reich, Austria, and Hungary sitting against the wall. He sighed, walking over and crouching in front of the trio. "Boys, Mama has to leave for a little while, okay?" He attempted to smile, but Reich wasn't having it.

Reich threw himself into his mothers arms, crying. A-H rubbed his back, tears in his eyes. "Honey don't worry. I'll be back." He spoke quietly before looking up at the older twins still sitting there. "Look after your brother would you?" They both nodded, and A-H reluctantly left the house, leaving his family behind.

He never came back.

Reich was eleven or twelve, standing in the front door to the house to find his father standing over the lifeless body of his mother. GE was laughing like a mental patient, glaring down at A-H's body. "Serves you right you insolent whore." He snapped, kicking the body across the floor. He then turned to Reich, and the two older children in the door. "What are you three brats looking at? Go to your rooms." He snapped, and they ran off, up the stairs and to Austria's room.

Reich was in shambles, rocking himself back and forth in the middle of the bed. Hungary was in tears, trying to wipe them angerly off his face, but more kept coming. All three of these children had favored their mother's kind behavior over GE's cruel tactics greatly. This was a rough blow to all of them.

Out of all three of the children in the room, Austria was the calmest. Reich had looked up at him and snapped in anger, "Aren't you sad at all?!" to which Austria sat down on the side of the bed, pulling him into his arms and sighing. "I am sad. I truly am, but I can't seem to cry." He mumbled, looking at the floor.

It's safe to say the torment had only gotten worse after that.

Shortly before the war had begun, Reich had been pacing around the hall of his home, while Austria and Hungary sat on one of the couches anxiously. "I can't do this.. I CAN'T DO THIS! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!" He cried out, wrapping his arms around his stomach. Austria jumped to his feet, gently guiding him to the couch.

Reich sat down heavily, tears in his eyes. "I can't take care of children.. I don't even LIKE children! Why did he do this to me?!" He cried out, burying his face in his hands. "Should've used protection." Hungary muttered, earning a kick from his twin brother. Reich looked up, still in tears. "We fucking did! And besides, it was a one night thing. This shouldn't be happening!" He didn't know what to do.

He faintly remembered a long night of drinking with Soviet and then.. well, some things happened. But they had been safe. He had made sure of it. Apparently, it hadn't been enough. Austria, being the calm and collected one, popped the question. "Have you told him yet-?" He spoke quietly, and Reich shook his head. "He's going to hate this." He whimpered, curling into a ball on the end of the couch.

After several hours of calming and coaxing, Reich stood before Soviet uncomfortably. Soviet had no idea what was going on. Reich heaved a sigh, looking at the floor. "We fucked up." He mumbled, and Soviet understood. "You mean-?" He trailed off as Reich nodded, starting to tear up again. "Soviet. Soviet I can't do this..-"

The pair stood there for hours in eachothers arms, before eventually Reich calmed down. He pushed Soviet away, angry. "This is your fault! YOU GOT ME DRUNK!" He yelled, tears beginning to stream down him face again. Soviet took the shoves, worry and pain written clearly on his face. "I'm sorry..-"

About eight months later, the pair had three children. Triplets. They named them Russia, Ukraine, and Germany. Reich forced two of the children into Soviet's arms. "Take them. I can't take care of all three." He was in pain, and he was exhausted. Soviet complied, taking the two children and leaving.

They still grew up together, Soviet would bring them by almost everyday for years. Until the war started. Soon enough, they strayed apart. They still showed up, but it was always tense. Reich wouldn't look at Soviet, and he had made him swear not to tell the children who their mother was.

But Russia knew. He knew from a young age. With the constant going from house to house, he slowly figured it out. He didn't dare tell Ukraine, or Germany for that matter, but he took the time to treat Germany like his own brother, since, well, he was. Things eventually went to hell after the war went into full swing, and for the longest time they lost contact.

It broke Reich's heart for the longest time.


Reich woke up in a cold sweat, gasping. He hated, and I mean hated when that happened. He didn't want to remember most of that, but he was forced to re-live it several nights a week. He chucked a pillow at the wall, angry red tears trailing down his face. Germany popped his head into the room at the wrong time, getting a pillow to the face.

"Omph! Mutter?! Are you okay??" He was at his mothers side in an instant, hugging him. Reich held his son tightly, tears continuing to stream down his face. "I'm alright Deutschland... I'm alright..." Germany sat there and hugged Reich for several moments before speaking. "Uh... Grandfather is here..-" Reich froze.

"He's Was-?"

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