Chapter: The Beginning - End Of Story

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Tons of questions beyond my head and mind,
shall we begin this?

What is the world? What are people? What is life? who am I? What are we doing in this world? what is our purpose? Why are you here? How in the world there are problems, how does it happen? Why do we need to live?  — Why—What—Who—How—?
The WWWH questions won't be able to be answered at the same time as it needed to have more explanation, clarify, and clear one's confusion.

"What is meaningful becomes meaningless which means nothing, and what means nothings become meaningful which means something."

The journey had just begun yet I have felt that I have been through rough and tough things. I don't want to give up so easily, I wanted to start all over and move forward, chasing all of my dreams with Pride and proudly. I believe in myself, keeping faith and trust, built in steady strong brick, as hard as a stone. I'm ready to go! Gear up and buckle up! The adventures of a lifetime were just about to begin.

There are few things indeed, that undoubtedly I doubted myself. I won't be able to live my life.
Lack of certainty, unsureness, and a massive of dubiousness and doubtful questions appeared in my head. On which behalf of my mind has answered was not that satisfied to the other. I thought to myself, having self-talk.

"There is nothing to worry about, I got your back, and I'm always behind you to encourage you, in what matters. I'm not either be gone away. You have to stop this overthinking matters, you won't be able to walk away if you won't stop it. You'll be living questioning yourself at the end you won't even be able to answer it all and have yourself on your own dubiety."

On the other hand, my inner-self answered by the whizzed sound that appeared, that it was so quick and spontaneous.

"I tried to stop, stopping my overthinking matters, it won't be as easy as saying the words.
I was struggling over the matter of my own overthinking, I was fighting on my way.
I got one step at a time and two steps at the other. The first attempt was so tough I was hardly can do that and I barely give up.
The second attempt was not as tough as the first one, I began to realize that I can overcome this, and way to go! Fight for myself and live my life to the fullest."

I had no idea where I'm going, the road full of black and white screen in my eyes. I cannot differentiate between bad and good. I was hopeless, and I cannot find my way. I'm trying to be aware of the clue but I was also clueless. I only have a piece of notes to myself, on which was written-

"Trust yourself, follow your mind and heart"

That is right, I can only depend on myself. the one that can help me throughout of this matter only me, no one else. The people around me will surely help me out but not like that, I can rely on them. I'll try to gather as much information as I could and use it as my clue. "Dang" the bells ring,
Independent is the word and suitable.

I have faced the world, yet I saw so many things That I have no idea what it was. I got confused for a moment that I was being doubted for the umpteenth time. I'm not sure I could face this. I had been covered in mud- with a figuration display played out on the screen, Metaphorically, I had been shown Lethe and Mnemosyne, the two rivers hanging upon my imagination, between heaven and hell. The Lethe —a river in Hades whose water when drunk made the souls of the dead forget their life on earth.—
Made me find myself in a loss and forgetfulness.

Mnemosyne- the mother of muses
Made myself want to forget those literally means Mnemosyne "Memory"

Phoebus word suits enough to replace the words how bright the sunshine is.
The words came out of nowhere as it outspoken. After the buzzing sound go after.

"Phoebus light the way through the out, I'm trying to find my way through my darkness, enlightening through the other side of the door. The edge is upon us, I'm at my own stake, the crucial part of my life to live-"

I manage to get through my darkness, the darkest side of my life, of having too many doubtful. Later then, I trained myself not too much thinking of something waste, would be wasted of time. I taught myself, to stop myself and just live it.
In the slowest step, I took the lowest ones.
Step by step I'm getting higher, higher to the stop. There is quite a famous line which I think is when I'm at my highest.

"Lower yourself when you're on the highest top
Higher yourself when you're at the lowest"

I think, we just have to remind ourselves that to remember, recalling those moments who we are before we stand where we are now, don't forget our past that how hard and struggles you are back in those days. You may be not here without your past. I wish I could live my present and the future, learning from the mistakes that I made in the past.
I will try my best to live my life and always fight for it.

"To me in the present-
I believe you can do this and you also have to believe in yourself that you can through this!- "

Me, Myself and I —L.O.V.E —

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