Ch-13 First Date

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Time Skip

Giyu: Y/n, U-umm w-w-would you u-ummm g-go out with m-me?

Y/n: Ofc, I would love to!!!

Giyu: (blushing) (breathing heavily)

Y/n: You don't even breathe thaaat heavily after you kill a demon.......

Giyu: U-umm y-yeah

Y/n: So cute.....

Time Skip

Y/n: (Annoyed) Hey...

Giyu: Hi, why so sad?

Y/n: (fake crying like taetae lol) I DIDN'T WANT TO WEAR A KIMONO BUT MITSURI FORCED ME TO WEAR IT!!!!

Giyu: (laughing) Don't worry you won't have to wear a kimono after you marry me....


Giyu: (Swings his arm around her shoulder) Let's go (A.N: Sooooo out of character tbh)

Time Skip

Y/n: G-giyu, I-I wanted to tell y-you s-something..

Giyu: Yeah what is it?

Y/n: I-I am the descendent of Yoriichi Tsugikuni...

Giyu: (Chokes on salmon daikon) What the-

Y/n: (Shows him the hanafuda earring)

Giyu: T-That earring! Tanjiro has the same earring! Is he also.....

Y/n: No, I think Yoriichi gave one of the earring to an ancestor of Tanjiro.

Giyu: Oh

Y/n: Also, I am a sun breather

Giyu: (jungshook) But-but Oyakata-sama said that you were a-

Y/n: Flame breather, I know, I-I requested Oyakata-sama not to mention that, just to avoid unwanted attention.

Giyu: Do you know flame breathing too?

Y/n: Yes, b-but please don't tell this to anyone, I trust you that is why I-I told you, O-Only Oniichan knew this, so please don't b-break my trust, Giyu

Giyu: I'm honored, (smiles) You can trust me.

Y/n: (kisses him)

Giyu: (shook) (kisses back)

Mitsuri: (Enters) iTs mE, hI, iM thE prOblEm, iTs mE..... (A.N: Girl, u stalkin them or smth?)

Hanafuda (Yoriichi's Descendent/Rengoku's foster sister x Tomioka Giyu)Where stories live. Discover now