~How i love you like a fool...~

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His doorbell rang...should I be jealous now?

Girl...Jealous of what? Sometimes I just think I'm delusional.... But what can I say? It's the...you see...the um...

And a knock on my bedroom door interrupted my thinking.


-"Hey sweetie are you okay?"

-"Yeah I'm good why?"

-"Just checking on you. I'll go to the grocery store. Need something?"

-"No mom, thanks for asking."

Mom came near me and kissed my forehead giving me a loving glance. She left. And once she did. I smashed on the mattress again and put my thoughts into play. Right from where I stopped.

But no...now something else would interrupt of course.

Jerry calling? What does he want?


-"Hey. Um you sound...estranged as why I gave you this call..."

-"Actually, yeah... Is everything alright?"

-"No...I think Brenda is... cheating...on me."

Now that was a shocker...

-"What? Why? Why would you say that? What did you see that has you thinking she may ve cheating?"

-"She's your friend I know this might sound strange to you... But this evening I saw her with Garrett...outside your house..."

-"Outside my...."

I was left with my mouth open...Outside my house? Really?! So Daniel was right seeing him here.... But what does Brenda have to do with that?

-"What did they do here?"

-"I don't know , Veronica, I just know I saw them walking together outside your house. Hand by hand... And you get how these things go..."

Hand by hand?!?! Oh my holy ears what the hell is going on? What do you mean they were walking hand by hand.... Oh shit I'm losing my minds... I forgot to speak to Jerry...

-"Veronica? Are you listening?"

-"How can you be so calm after that?"

-"I am not...I just keep it back...I...I don't know what to say..."

-"That's.... I don't know... Well.... Oh mom's calling me downstairs sorry I've got to hung up... Talk to you...later...Jer.".

I hung up and put the phone down immediately but slowly so I didn't throw it on the floor, containing myself.

Now what is that? My best friend with my worst enemy.... This can't be happening.... Jerry's just blinded by the situation that's going on between him and B. He can't see clearly....

But what if he is right? Huh? Then what?
What if I find ouy her and Ga... Oh my god I can't even think about it....

Could she even betray me this way? Why not? Does she have something to lose? Not at all. Win win for her, a new boyfriend, new shit to feel...

No... she's not like that she's my friend. She would never do this to me.

Suddenly I felt a tear running down my cheek... A sudden heat starting from the top of my head running slowly down my whole body...My eyes burn and my hands are shaking....I want to talk to someone about this all....But who....?

My mom? No I...I don't want to put her into the world of my problems...Brenda...Of course not... She's not the right person to talk to at the moment.... it's practically about her... I can't tell her. Not now.

But I am so afraid that if I call Daniel I'm going to interrupt him from something...Many have been the times I wanted to call or at least text him and talk to him... He's the only person I can open up to, because I feel safe with him. I haven't felt that safe with someone..ever.
Everytime he's around I feel like I see god in his face. A face so peaceful, calm, familiar... It's like I've known him forever. A face that inspires assurance and comfort. Yeah...this is it I'm calling him.


-"Oh mighty potentials my finger was just about to press call on your contact...."

-"Haha...oh my... Telepathy?"


-"How am I supposed to...tell you now..."

-"Hey you sound nervous... What's going on?"

-"Something happened...And I don't know who to tell so I can feel better."

-"That's why I'm here. Speak come on!"


-"You know what...I'm coming to take you somewhere..."


-"Anywhere, get ready. I'll be there in 15 minutes.."

-"Fine see you in a few minutes then.."

And then I wonder why am I falling so hopelessly for this man...
What have I done to deserve him?
And why is he so good to be true?

Well I have to get dressed...

Forthcoming event...

-"Brenda come to your senses! This is completely out of this world . They're in there, alone possibly hot headed enough to kill each other."

-"Then let them die... Why do I care... Poor Jerry... God give us life..."

-"Are you listening to yourself?"

-"You've said enough Veronica...."

-"Enough! You're going to listen to me whether you want to or not. You've let gas all over the place. Just one spark of fire and tomorrow morning we will be all over the news... They are going to die. Both of them."

-"I don't care Veronica...", She said with a cracking voice..."Garrett is stronger he'll survive."

-"Have you no shame? How could you not give a single damn about Jerry the person that's stood next to you in your roughest of moments, the one to walk along with you and accept all of you just the way you are and you now care only about Garrett?"

-"Say it he's your ex. You care, it bothers you. Ever since the time Jerry's told you, you fell for his lie and..."

-"I saw you fucking him, Brenda. I caught you doing it. And no I don't care what you do with him, you chose your path and I can't help you with this to save you. I've warned you a thousand times that Garrett is an awful person but you don't want to listen.", I screamed at her.

-"Then go back to the dear ol' teacher of yours you claim to love...Why are you still here?"

-"Because all this desperation you feel is going to kill two innocent young guys that have done nothing to you. And leave Daniel out of this... He's done nothing to you, for you to blame him. And I do not allow you to talk about him like this."

-"But they did to you...bestie...", She said ironically. "The one killed your heart, your soul...almost took your life...The other manipulated you..."

I forced her to stand up, grabbed her arm and took her to the door of the warehouse she locked Jerry and Garrett in..

-"Unlock it...", I demanded.

-"No...", Said Brenda and walked away..

I followed her and turned her around to face me, when....

A scream was heard and then...

*Gun shot, and warehouse exploded...*

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