~...what I do for you.~

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-"So in today's lesson we will be taking about limitations... Have you all ever found yourselves off limits?"

It was just another typical day at school but it was my favorite hour of the day... Daniel's lesson. I'd always find myself concentrated and stiff but now all I could do was stare at him , my hand balancing on my blushed cheek, with my mind wandering in places it shouldn't.

Limitations....yeah sure Daniel....

Out of nowhere I felt a hand on my back and I shook off my seat raising my glance upwards...

-"You seem lost Veronica... Off limits?", He smiled at me and brushed his hand over my back leaving me surprised, sending shivers all over my back.

Diagonally from me was sitting Garrett... He saw this... And I noticed too because I could see him with the corner of my eye.

-"So let's get started with what do we call a limitation. In maths limitation is the value that a function approaches as the input approaches some value. They are essential to calculus and mathematical analysis, and are used to define continuity, derivatives, and integrals..The concept of a limit of a sequence is further generalized to the concept of a limit of a topological net, and is closely related to limit and direct limit in category theory."

I wasn't paying attention. His voice was surrounding the background in a blurry tempo and my stare just froze on him, slightly scanning his whole body...I just couldn't.. what he did sent me tripping and left me overthinking of the action. Also I was thinking about how jealous Garrett felt seeing that...

And you'll ask why do I care if he does? I'm just thinking how far he could go to revenge on him for touching me... But I don't think he'll mess with Daniel. Not because he can't, he has already done it before but now it's different. Daniel warned him last time... But we are talking about Garrett so he is most likely able to do pretty much everything.

Brenda whispered to me and patted my shoulder so I could pay attention to her.

-"Hey...are you okay?

-"Yeah...I guess..."

-"You look lost..."

-"Desperate I'd call it..."

She raised me a brow and continued taking notes...

Finally...bell rung. Time to get out and get some fresh so I can escape the thoughts..

-"Veronica could you stay a bit, if you may...", Daniel said in a deep, contained voice, stopping me right at the time I stepped out of the classroom.

I returned back inside and sat on top of a desk.

-"You looked lost before...what's going on?"

He shut the door and came close to me.

-"Uh nothing."

He frowned...he knew I was lying but what could I tell him? That I imagined him kissing me, pinning me up against a wall and talking love words to me? Well, I could easily do that but I guess I want to live another day.

-"Speak up...We haven't talked since Monday."

-"I'm for real...I am fine, it's just that I am tired from the routine...You know, studying , not sleeping well. That is all..."

-"What ruins your sleep?"

-"I have no idea."

-"Good let's have a small change...Are you done?"

-"Yeah why?"

-"Let's go somewhere...We'll grab some coffee to the way there. Come with me."

I was surprised, clearly. I stood up but I didn't follow him. He turned around to see me...

-"What? Don't you trust me."

-"I do, blindfolded but..."

He didn't let me say another word and he walked to me and forcefully pulled my hand so I could walk.

-"I could throw you over my shoulder and literally run away from here , but you see let's keep it formal in here."

I giggled. I never expected him to do something instant to fix my mood. But I forgot that he's full of surprises for a moment but yeah...I should have known better...

On the way out, while I was walking by Daniel's side I caught Garrett staring angrily..

-"Don't look at him.", Daniel noticed.

-" How am I supposed not to when he's all rude like this?"

-"Screw him. Forget about him for now. We're going there to leave all problems behind aren't we?"

-"Yeah you're right."

We finally got out of the building and we were heading to the parking lot.

Daniel pulled a key chain out of his pocket and we stopped right in front of motorcycle. A big one...

Another surprise....

-"I didn't know you had a bike..."

-"Yeah except from a crazy mathematician, I'm an easy rider too.", he answered me as he rode the motorcycle...

I laughed to the statement and he laughed back at it.

He put on his helmet carefully and offered me another one he had in the small box on the back of the motorcycle. I put it on and stood there..

He shook his head for me to hop on it. I did and he started the engine.

That perfect clear sound...I liked motorcycles, abnormally a lot. And as things take the route they do until now, I like Daniel's a little more than others.. Full and addictive...He seems to take a lot care of it. Explains the shiny color and the oiled chain...I doesn't make a sound. Not a single one.

-"Hold tight on me, not from the back of it.", he instructed me and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

He pressed the pedal out of nowhere and I fell upon him... I screaked.. I didn't expect that.

-"I said tight. Do you wanna fall off it?"

-"Haha. No."

-"Fine off we go."

And it was then when we hit the road. The breeze hit the bare spots of my body. As If freedom was in the air, filling me whole. I haven't felt that free in quite a while. Maybe it's the adrenaline, maybe it's because I'm with a person I trust this much... I don't know. But it feels great.

Daniel's pov

It has been quite a long time ever since I am riding with someone else in the roads. But pleasantly it is someone who I trust and care about. Right now, I can be myself with her. Without fearing whether she is going to judge or no. Because she won't and I know it. It's probably the freest ride of my life. And I kind of love it.

And here's the deal...Her arms wrapped around my stomach and her face on my back. I like the way it feels. Even though it's forbidden. But I can't fight what I feel. Why depress it when it's so good and true? I know she feels safe. Otherwise she wouldn't be like this. Her scent filling my nostrils, addictive. Roses and whiskey... No she hasn't been drinking but the way she smells reminds me of it. And it's beautiful.

I am taking her outside of the town in the suburbs. There are some hills there with a kiosk. Perfect view to the whole city. So magical...She'll love it there.

And I am doing this mostly for her. So she can escape her thoughts and feel better, refill batteries and get back to her strict reality. I am not going to let her down...I want to help her. Help her find joy again after all that happened to her, protect her and make her feel good when times are rough.

Be her partner in life after all and make her discover life at it's best. I don't know why....Don't ask, I just feel like it...

Here we are....

To be continued...

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