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"𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝?"

CORA FOLLOWED AFTER and tara along the unstable structure, her legs shaky and unstable from fear and anticipation.

she didn't know if it was possible to live through the nightmare that they were stuck in that night, but she hoped it was.
there was still so much she wanted to do and say, and still so much she craved out of her boring life.

sam stepped over the railing of the second floor, which they couldn't move past as there was a large crate blocking their path.

cora moved hastily across after sam, taking a deep breath as she moved her wounded leg over the bar.

once she had her other leg over, she practically leaped into sam's arms from relief.
she had tackled another obstacle that was sent
her way that night.

tara came next, moving over the bar rather than quickly, little did she know, that was the completely wrong way to do it.
the youngest carpenter sister slipped from the bar, her sister barely being able to catching her in time before she fell down.

"tara!" sam hissed, trying to keep a hold of her without slipping, which wasn't working out for her.

cora stood there helplessly, letting out panicked breaths as she felt at loss for words.
she couldn't lose another friend, not after amber, not after wes, and not after chad.

out of nowhere, ethan came sprinting over to the girl who was hanging from below, looking around him before opening his mouth.

"sam, drop her! i'll catch her!" he whisper-yelled up to the woman, immediately making her shake her head with distrust.

"no, i can't. i don't know you." she said, groaning with all her strength as she continued to try and pull her sister up.

"sam, tara won't be able to get up! please, you don't know him, but i do.
i do, sam." cora said quickly, wiping her eyes as they travelled down to the struggling girl that dangled from sam's hand, her eyes shut tightly.

"sam, let me go." tara said, looking down at ethan who stood below, his arms out and ready to catch her.

"you have to let me go." she said, her eyes wide and emotional as she looked at her sister longingly, bracing herself as she felt her hand start to slip from her sisters.

just as sam let go, cora found herself looking down to see the fate, but was only met with an agonised scream that she knew sounded to familiar.

she looked down in horror as she saw detective bailey standing behind ethan, a knife wedged deep into her boyfriends back.
she screamed loudly, not just at the attack, but also at tara who lay limp below, her eyes shut.

"no!, stop now! please!..." she hissed at bailey, shutting her eyes as she heard another groan from ethan, this time followed by the sound of a body slumping down against the cold hard ground.

she stared down, sam at her side as she cradled the girl, holding her gently as she cried her tears of pure sadness.
she wanted to tell him that she loved him despite what he did, just once.
that was all she wanted to say, and she couldn't even say it.

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