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𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄  to say cora felt the most out of place that she ever had.
her mind was clouded with thoughts, but mostly grief.

after anika's death, mindy hadn't said a word.
all she could do was sit next to tara and look down, hoping if she didn't focus herself the image of anika's dead body wouldn't creep its way back into her mind.

they were lost.
even though they knew this experience all to well, they still sat in silence, in shock that it had happened to them for the second time.

no one tried to compare what happened to them to what mindy went through, no one could even imagine how much it must have hurt her to know that anika died painfully, and in her last few moments were spent leant over a chair, trying to stop the blood that poured from her wound.
she died scared out of her skin.

cora's eyes darted up when she noticed danny approaching sam, watching as he whispered something to her before walking of in the opposite direction.

cora knew danny couldn't have been ghostface,  because he had helped them the previous night.
it was safe to say he was of her suspects list.

cora jumped slightly as she heard a loud bang noise, looking up in the direction it came from.
she blinked rather quickly as she spotted ethan up against a car door, with chad in front of him, holding him against it roughly.

"where were you!" he yelled, his voice deep with hostility as he glared into the eyes of his best friend.

"what- when?!" ethan asked, clearly confused as to why he was being hissed at.

"you know when! last fucking night!" chad said, slamming ethan down onto the door, ethan looking rather taken aback.

"i had econ! you know this, chad!" he said, his voice shaky as if he was afraid of chad in some way. knowing ethan, he probably was.

"you disappear and my sister almost gets killed." he said, his voice coarse and still raised.
chad wasn't mad at ethan, but he was suspicious of practically anyone at this point.

he could've lost three members of the core five that night, and if they had died, it would leave only he and tara.

he was frustrated it always had to be them that had to deal with the shit.

"dude? i was in a study hall with a hundred other people, you can ask anyone of them!" he told chad desperately, clearly trying to clear his name from chad's suspect list.

"god man." chad snarled, kicking the wheel of the car, trying his best not to feel pity for accusing ethan even though he clearly had no idea what happened.

"where's cora?" he asked, his voice filled with hope that the worst hadn't happened.

"here." cora's shook voice rang out in his ears, glad that last night wasn't the last night he'd ever hear it.

"cora.." he said lowly, walking over to her and quickly wrapping his arms around her frame.
she let her head dip into his chest, breathing in his scent.

almost immediately, she felt better.
she was glad to be in the arms of the one she loved after what she went through.

"i'm so sorry." he mumbled, kissing her forehead quickly before hugging her again.
after a minute or so of just holding her, he arched his neck to look behind her, his eyes widening as he spotted the body bags.

angel eyes, ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now