Chapter 47: You show me the man, and I'll show you the rule

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Packhouse of Ravenwood Pack, above

Terry POV

No matter what you do, you will never forget the drill of hunting, the anticipation of bloodshed. I wish I could say I don't feel good about what I would do, but I can't. The truth is I feel nothing except focusing on the job. I feel empty; I don't think about the moral aspect of what I will do because I don't care about it. For me, this job has to be done, the job that will protect my daughters.

I stand at the edge of Ravenswood pack waiting for my guide, if I can say that. Alexa, Chen, and Julius are still at the motel preparing themselves for dinner in the packhouse.

From the woods comes the wolf and shift, and I recognize Chuck.

He leads me deep into his pack territory; we don't talk. I'm not surprised and don't feel awkward because of it. I'm sure that casual chatting would be more awkward in this situation. He takes me into one of the houses, ensuring that none of us would be seen; in that house, Aaron is already waiting for us. We sit in a room smelling very intensively with wet grass and herbs.

"This is my meditation place as a Spirit Catcher, none of the omegas, and basically nobody comes here without my permission so nobody will see you. And the herbs will mask your faint, human scent. Would you like something to drink as we wait?"

I shake my head, I'm not here for a tea party, and yet I ask the question:

"You don't seem bothered with what I come here to do?"

"I'm a Spirit Catcher and an old one, I've seen souls of many werewolves, and I think it made me familiar with each possible darkness hidden inside my kind. My Beta still feels loyalty and submission towards my Alpha, but I don't."


"I've seen the souls of his wolf and Luna's wolf. When all the problems with getting pregnant came, they both sought my help with understanding their wolves, yet it turned out futile."

"Why?" I am surprised by the warmth that comes from him; I've never seen such a pure look in all my life. Despite his age, he still seems innocent, like a child.

"Because both of them refused to accept what I told them. Despite her physical strength, Luna's wolf was too fragile to bear children; that she managed to get two healthy ones was already a miracle, and they should've cherished what they had instead of chasing after the ghost prize that would never be theirs."

"Why was he so obsessed with the son?"

"Probably because that's how our world is organized. You've certainly seen, hunter, that there are much more male Alphas than female Alphas, and that birth children are more important than adopted ones. The wolf's strength determines everything, not his selfless soul or kindness. My kind has lost itself in the pursuit of power, often burning through the way those who can't keep this pursuit."

"My grandfather and other leaders of the hunters' clans were the same."

"And they are gone today, aren't they? Call it a hunch, but I think something will come, something that will force a big change. I don't know when but it will, and I can only hope that when the time comes, the ones who will have to deal with this will be the right people, not only strong but also smart and kind."

Then comes silence; he seems to be meditating, and I recall all of the plan's details in my memory.

After the next hour, we hear the knock on the door, and Chuck brings me a change of clothes. They belong to the people who were in charge of today's dinner preparation. Mixing different scents with mine should make my presence in the packhouse unnoticeable; at least, I hope so.

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