Chapter 44: "Oaks may fall when reeds stand the storm"

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Julius POV

I walk slowly into the dungeon, wondering if I should be here. Danny is still sleeping; it's very early. Maybe that's why Natasha and Alexa want to do it now, which means the sooner, the better.

Madison is chained to the floor by her neck, it's long enough to sit, but that's it. I think it's the first time she let anybody see her like that. She doesn't try to play innocent and stupid; this time, she looks at me with hate and anger so strong I have no doubt how dangerous beast she is and shouldn't be shown any mercy.

"What do you want to do with me?" she squawks angrily.

"You will be put to death discreetly," Natasha answers coldly. "But I may offer you a quick death if you answer some of my questions."

"And if I say no, would you torture me?"

"Yes. You killed my mate, you killed Alexa's mate and father, and you attacked my pack twice... so make no mistake, I want to torture you, and I want to enjoy every single moment of that."

Madison gulps and looks around, noticing me, and of course, she has to try.

"What will you tell Trist? How will you explain it? I'm his mother; he needs me!"

The fucking bitch, still wants to use her child as leverage, as bail for her useless life.

"I will tell him the truth, that you didn't come back for him but to steal and that you collaborated with Brandon and almost killed Danny. And Trist will be hurt and suffer, but he is strong enough to live through it; he will deal with it and move on."

She bares her canines and snarls, but none of us is bothered.

"Is somewhere here more Red Venom?" Alexa asks, taking a step in front, and Madison backs a bit.

"No, there is no more," she says, averting her eyes.

"What happened with your wolf? How did you manage to survive?" Alexa continues.

"He did something to me; I have no idea who he was. He did some business in my pack, and he was a client. When he noticed that I was in conflict with my wolf, he offered help. It was painful as fuck, but he set me free; he set me free," she rambles.

"Who was he?" Natasha asks, but Madison shakes her head.

"I don't know, he was gone the next day, and I didn't dare to ask about him, but he was gorgeous and was an omega. He set me free. He set me free; he set me free."

She starts repeating this sentence, and the rest of us exchange looks. I doubt we will be able to get something useful from her. But still, the force to kill the wolf without killing its host, I shiver uncomfortably; that is a thing worth being afraid of.

Suddenly she snaps her eyes at me, and once again, I see only pure hatred.

"Has this bitch of yours told you I had done it?"

I frown; I have no idea what she is referring to. She notices my apparent confusion and smirks evilly.

"I fucked him! He didn't like it although he didn't make any sound, I must give him that. But he was a nice piece of ass. Pity you came so fast! I intended to make everybody have a taste! I hate you; you destroyed my life! I don't give a fucking shit about Trist; you forced me to give birth; that pregnancy was the only reason you hadn't rejected me! I'm happy that Luke is dead. I hate you!"

She screams like a madwoman as Natasha holds me still. If she didn't, I would already have Madison's blood on my claws.

She raped Danny! I was so sure it was Brandon, and yet it was her, fucking bitch. I want to kill her, and I want to make her suffer.

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