Chapter 11: "A leopard never changes its spots"

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Aunty Mae above

Terry POV

Little Danny... it may be ten years but some faces you will never forget no matter what.

"Hey, I'm Terry Peterson, I'm Mae's nephew," I say in a confident voice and extend my hand to him. He gives me a polite smile but he made a face when he saw me so I know he recognized me just like I recognized him. And yet he plays along with me faking ignorance as Julius and Chen ask me about my arm, totally oblivious to the situation. Which is good, I can't risk being hunted down, especially not now when I have girls in my care.

"Danny you alright?" Julius asks probably noticing that Danny has suddenly stopped talking.

"I guess I'm a little drunk and probably because of that sleepy."

Julius smiles at Danny and pats his back, I haven't seen Julius smiling that way in ten years I know him. Honestly, I haven't seen him smiling till today. Danny on the other hand keeps sending glances in my direction. He has changed that for sure, last time I saw him he was a boy, now he is a man, but still that something delicate that has always been in him still is there. 

I remember his mother very well, Nina was one of not many persons who genuinely showed care and consideration to me and my sister after our parents' death and Danny? He always seemed too fragile to become a hunter, in my opinion, he didn't have it in himself and was too kind for this type of life. The dreamer living in his own world.

Jordan used to call those like him leftovers, he didn't like those who in his opinion were too weak to become good hunters. I remember one time I had a confrontation with him because of Danny, I think the kid was 7 years old at that time, Nina was still alive and Danny's father was still one of our best fighters. 

But that one time he took Danny into the forest and they caught the rabbit in the rabbit trap, so Jordan gave Danny the knife and demanded from him to cut all legs of the poor still alive animal, saying that it will man the kid up. Danny started crying like crazy and Jordan gave Danny's father this look, like saying "Your son is such a chicken" so his father hit his son hard in the face screaming for him to stop sobbing, Danny didn't but when his father was about to do it again I grabbed him and told him to fuck off. 

I was 19, but my grandfather was already talking about me being the heir to the family so other hunters were trying not to get into trouble with me. I then kneel next to Danny who was still holding the wounded rabbit and I killed it quickly.

"See, he doesn't suffer anymore, come I'll take you home," I said to him and he jumped into my arms as if I was his lifesaver. Nina was very grateful when I brought her son home. I could tolerate Jordan being tough with other fighters but definitely not with kids and yet barely a half year later I lost my sister because I was too afraid to stand against my grandfather and Jordan.

Danny is looking at me and I know I must confront him as soon as possible so I say that I have invoices to do and go to the office. I'm not surprised that Danny walks after me with the pretext of looking for the bathroom. I leave the door to the office open and Danny enters. I don't worry to be heard, it's a very busy day today, and the bar is full.

"Why are you here, Danny?" I ask as soon as he closes the door behind him.

"I'm mated to the warrior of Howl Pack," he says and I smirk.

"Funny, another Nightingale hunter mated to the werewolf."

"I'm not a hunter, I've never been, and I'm no longer a member of the Nightingale clan."

"That makes two of us," I say and for a while there is silence.

"I haven't expected to see you ever again..." Danny starts but I interrupt him almost instantly:

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