Chapter 14: "Don't cast pearls before swine"

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Julius POV

Danny gives me a cup of hot tea as I sit on the porch of our house; the evening is quite chilly today. Come to think of it, I started spending time on my porch the day Danny came into my life. He smiles at me as always gently and I can't stop the warm sensation in my heart. That is what spending time in Danny's presence is giving me: peace and comfort.

The tension in the house is still there, but it seems as if all involved in the argument just keep staying calm as far away from each other. I haven't spoken with my uncle, and Brandon seems diligently busy with his work and only says we need some time to chill. But still, I soon become the Head Warrior again and somehow it feels strange for me to stay in this house, which is technically my uncle's.

"How is Brandon recently?" I choose to ask, and Danny sighs.

"Honestly, I have no idea, but he took it hard that he won't be a Head Warrior. I also talk with Preston, he doesn't intend to apologize but he doesn't feel too well about what he did."

"You are not going to ask about Trist?" I say, glancing at him, and Danny bites his lips.

"I'm curious; we are family. But I presumed that you will tell me when your mood is good and I just have to wait patiently."

He makes me touched, he is co careful with giving his support, and he never imposes himself on anyone no matter what.

"When I realized Madison is my mate she already had a reputation, she was younger than me and she turned eighteen during the summer we had here the joined training of warriors from different packs, including yours. She had gotten involved with one of Alphas' apparent heir to the pack, who was older than me and still hadn't found his mate. She presumed she was important enough or beautiful enough to be named a Luna of his pack, but he didn't care about her nor about the baby in her womb. When I found out she was mine and already pregnant, both of us weren't thrilled with it. I wanted to reject her, but since she was pregnant, I was worried that the rejection would harm her wolf and maybe kill her baby."

Danny moves a little closer as I take a big breath; I don't like to think about that time. No matter how much I deny it I felt humiliated especially when she told me that she was worth so much more than me, I felt humiliated by all the gossip that was going on. Danny puts his hand on mine, and it feels good, and I can continue speaking:

"Well, her Alpha-to-be kicked her on the ass when he heard about the baby. He had the guts to say that if I had made sure she would've gotten rid of her baby and next mate with her to spare him some trouble, he would pay me. Fucking bastard, we got into a fight, he almost killed me, but I managed to make him bleed a lot, too," I smirk, it gave a bang of satisfaction. "Natasha and your previous Alpha Mikkeli saved my ass. The jerk went extremely pissed off back to his pack."

Danny smirks too, hearing that, and raises his cup of tea:

"Here's to that," he giggles.

"He left Madison, and her parents weren't exactly happy with all the scandal and her conduct, and she... She begged me not to reject her, not to kill her baby, and she begged me for another chance. She had nowhere to go so I took her in, at first I wanted to reject her after the birth, but my wolf keep pushing to give this mating the chance. And I too felt divided, finally, I chose to try believing that she was young, she just made mistakes. And she tried at the beginning she really tried to make it work. When Trist was born, Drake instantly claimed him as ours, and it was the only moment I felt truly connected with her, and soon after we mated, but I've never marked her. But sex turned out to be the only part of our life we actually enjoyed and... My brother used to say that it would be better that she would finally settle down but the bond is sometimes just not enough."

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