One in a Trillion

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Alarms blare in the republic cruiser's hangar bay. A few of the ships take off and exit the bay. Other ships crank up their engines.

PA Announcer: Please board the transports according to your evacuation designation. All transports must be cleared....

Poe lays unconscious in front of one of the ships. Holdo caresses his face gently, looking at him like a mother would her son. His stretcher is lifted up from the ground and several soldiers and medical officers surround Poe.

Gurney Operator: OK, help me push him up, guys.

Admiral Holdo: (To Leia) That one's a troublemaker. I like him.

Leia: Me, too.

She walks past and halfway up the ramp to her shuttle.

Leia: Now, time to board your transport.

Admiral Holdo: For the transports to escape...

Leia turns around and looks at Holdo as if she's put a curse on her family.

Holdo: Someone needs to stay behind and Pilot the cruiser.

A long uncomfortable silence passes between the two officers of the republic. The hangar buzzes with life as some people pack the transports and others take off.

Leia: Too many losses. I can't take any more.

Admiral Holdo: Sure you can. You taught me how.

Leia/Admiral Holdo: May the Force be....

The two share a hearty chuckle.

Leia: You go on. I've said it enough.

Admiral Holdo: (whisper) May the Force be with you, always.

Holdo wraps her hands firmly around Leia's as the two share a look of knowing.


Pilots in one of the transports watch others take off and click a few switches, preparing the ship for departure.

Pilot: Cloaking device activated. We should be off their scopes.

Larma D'acy: Let's hope this works.

Leia watches Holdo from the window of the shuttle, hoping for the best. Holdo watches, stone-faced with a steely reserve as smoke shoots out from the thrusters of the ship as it pulls away from the hangar.

Countless transport shuttles scuttle away from the main republic cruiser as its rear shields are pelted with canon fire again.


Rey's cuffs click and fall from her wrists. She shakes off the slack and glares into Snoke's dark eyes.

Snoke: Come closer child.

Rey huffs and continues glaring, not moving in the slightest.

Snoke: So much strength. Darkness rises, and light to meet it. I warned my young apprentice that as he grew stronger, his equal in the light would rise.

He pulls Rey's lightsaber to him with a flick of his wrist, grasping it in his gnarled ugly fingers.

Snoke: Skywalker... I assumed. (chuckling) Wrongly... Closer, I said.

Rey is suddenly tilted off her heels and pulled forward, against her will. She tries to stop herself but in vain. She slides forward up to his throne, right in front of his ugly face.

Rey: You underestimate Skywalker, L/N, and Ben Solo, and me. It will be your downfall.

Snoke: (whimpering) Oh.... have you seen something? A weakness in my apprentice. Is th- that why you came?

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