Chapter 17

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The sun was quickly reaching its peak in the sky, hardly visible behind a curtain of clouds. Moonpaw moved quickly through the forest's underbrush, determined to catch one more piece of prey before meeting up with her hunting patrol. A warm inviting scent drifted into her nose as she stalked along. Her favorite animal to feast upon was scurrying a bear-length ahead of her path. Its bushy tail twitched as it sat upright, sniffing the air for signs of trouble. Moonpaw ducked down, peeking through the branches of an elderberry bush to keep watch of her target. When the squirrel relaxed and went about its business, Moonpaw drew closer.
Just a fox-length away now, she told herself, settling her paws in the right position. Stay right there... After giving her haunches a calculated adjustment, Moonpaw shot forward, claws extended towards her prey. The squirrel bushed in surprise, jumping away just as Moonpaw landed. It scampered towards the nearest tree, the silver and white molly hot on its heels. It rounded up the trunk effortlessly. Moonpaw was just as quick, catching up to her prey in no time at all. Before it could escape to a narrow branch, she had its tail in her jaws. The fluffy rodent let of a pained squeak. Moonpaw was quick to pull the squirrel closer with a paw, nipping its spine before its cries became too pitiful. Thank you Starclan for the food, she prayed as she picked up her catch.

"Moonpaw!" Leafheart called from the roots of the tree.

"Coming!" Moonpaw responded, scaling down to stand beside her mentor. She dropped the squirrel at the ginger she-cat's paws, pride glowing from within her.

"Great catch," praised Leafheart with an approving blink. "Ready to go? Bluefang and Flamepaw are waiting for us by the sycamore over there." She pointed with her tail.
Moonpaw hummed agreeingly, then picked her squirrel back up. She dug up her other piece of prey on the way, carrying it with her to show off to her clanmates. Bluefang meowed a greeting as they approached, while Flamepaw finished uncovering some prey he'd buried.

"Hey, Moon," the firey ginger tom mewed to her. "Wanna help carry some of this?"

Moonpaw put her catch down again, ears twitching. "I've kind of got my paws full with what I have," she responded with a gesture.

"Can you at least help carry the vole? It's not too big. You should be capable of carrying it with your squirrel and mouse."

"I hope you're not implying that I'm a big mouth," Moonpaw teased, knowing well that Flamepaw was being serious. He was similar to his father, Blazestar, in that regard. He didn't joke around much. The expression on his face showed just how unamused by Moonpaw's insinuation he was. That only served to make her giggle.
"Alright, alright. I'll help," she caved, pulling the vole Flamepaw had caught towards herself. She placed it beside her own prey, gathering it all in her mouth carefully. She didn't want to drop anything on the home journey.
Looking to the warriors, each had gotten their own prey to take with them. They glanced at the apprentices, beckoning them to follow the pair up into the trees. Moonpaw climbed up behind Bluefang, following his tail across the canopy as they made their way back to camp. The branches trembled as the Treeclan cats leaped from one to the next, balancing themselves carefully on the narrow path. Moonpaw watched her paws, focusing on not slipping. Nearby, she heard a mother bird land in her nest, where a trio of hungry, gaping mouthed chicks awaited her. In a tree ahead, a squirrel scurried out of the way of the oncoming warriors, fearful of being hunted. Had they not already been carrying prey, one of the patrol members might have gone after it. Instead the fuzzy rodent was free to live another day. And what a day it was. The weather was warming at last; the faintest signs of Greenleaf were beginning to show. The flower blossoms in the trees were wilting slowly and giving space for broad green leaves to unfurl. The forest was teeming with tiny creatures, born thanks to Newleaf's bounties. And although it looked like it may rain again, Moonpaw knew the clouds would clear come nightfall. There was to be a full moon tonight, after all. Another blessing from Starclan.
Moonpaw already knew she was invited to go to tonight's Gathering. Excitement radiated from every flea-length of her pelt as she thought about it. She hoped to see Hazepaw there. In the last half moon, the pair had been meeting up almost every other night. Yet she couldn't help but miss the Oceanclan apprentice during the day. Especially because she could never be seen with him. But tonight, Moonpaw could interact with Hazepaw freely, and maybe even introduce him to some of her friends. Silently, she prayed to Starclan for the opportunity.
The low hanging branches of the Entrance Tree soon came into Moonpaw's sights. She easily picked her way down when her turn to climb arrived. Her claws fit easily into the grooves set in the tree; marks left by generations of clanmates. With a soft thud she landed in the leaf littered clearing of Treeclan's camp. A few cats meowed greetings as the hunters made their way to the fresh-kill pile. It seemed as if they were the last patrol to return home. Just in time for sharing tongues.
Moonpaw placed all of her load onto the pile, then made a b-line for the nursery. Outside, Mapleshine--the mother of the clan's youngest kits-- laid in a patch of soft grass, eyes closed contently. Beside her sat Brightsky, who groomed the younger she-cat's ear. Moonpaw purred at the sight of her own mother, trotting over to the queens with tail held high.

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