Chapter 8

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Hazepaw's belly was feeling funny when he made it back to the Twoleg Settlement Bridge. The sensation had started not long ago, but he couldn't understand what was causing it. It wasn't painful, thank Starclan, but it wasn't comfortable either. And since he wasn't suffering, Hazepaw decided not to see Curlear or Bluesky about it. Still, he'd like to know what it was. Maybe he had to make dirt? But Hazepaw hadn't eaten anything today, to ensure his senses would be sharp for his solo hunt. Perhaps he was hungry? The growl rumbling in his gut confirmed this suspicion. Hazepaw decided once he gave his mouse to Beckycreek, he'd grab something for himself. Then he could finally start to feel better.
But thinking about the mouse made Hazepaw's belly feel a little bit worse. It reminded him that this prey was not actually his. It was that Treeclan cat's--Moonpaw's. Did that mean it was actually guilt that he was feeling? No. Hazepaw knew what the twist in his belly felt like when he was guilty. This sensation wasn't as sharp, or nauseating. The feeling in Hazepaw's stomach felt as though he'd swallowed a school of tiny fish. It was like they were swimming around in there, their tail fins brushing against his intestines in a way that almost tickled. It was really annoying. Hazepaw tried to push the feeling away as he padded across the camp, up to the abandoned car that made up the nursery.
Inside were the den's remaining residents. Richfur, the Den Mother, was sunbathing up on the flat platform next to the car's front window. And in the makeshift nests below, Beckycreek was busy cleaning her youngest kits. She was diligent in her work, hardly registering the apprentice's appearance. Her older kits, however, took notice.

"Woo, it's Hazepaw!" Cheered the only tom of the litter, Currentkit. He rushed over to greet the fluffy white apprentice, tail held high. His sister Stonekit came crawling out from beneath one of the nests to join him. The last of the litter, Whisperkit, watched from her perch overtop the nests, excitement glittering in her soft yellow eyes. Hazepaw nodded a greeting to each of them as he walked over to their mother.

"This is for you," he told the queen as he placed his prized mouse in front of her.

Beckycreek purred with gratitude. "Thank you, Hazepaw. It was kind of you to bring us something to eat." Grabbing the mouse, Beckycreek called for the attention of her younger kittens, Turtlekit and Duckkit. "Look my loves, here is some prey for you to try."

Whisperkit leaped down from her perch, into her mother's nest. She smiled, raising her tail. Beckycreek did not look pleased to have the older kitten in her space. "May I have some of that too, mom?" Whisperkit asked sweetly. Her littermates exchanged a look then ran for the nursery's exit.

Beckycreek remained silent for a few moments, tearing off chunks of her meal to share with her little ones. She almost seemed to be ignoring Whisperkit. "This isn't for you," she meowed eventually, voice monotone. "You're old enough to eat on your own anyways." Whisperkit's eyes watered a little.
So Beckycreek isn't going to share? Hazepaw felt a little shocked. Although he shouldn't, considering the queen usually gave her oldest litter the cold shoulder. He could hardly remember a time when she was genuinely comforting towards them. She was good at mothering, that much was certain; but she wasn't a very good mother. At least not to them. Turtlekit and Duckkit, however, were treated with the utmost love and care. It was strange. Hazepaw couldn't wrap his mind around why Beckycreek would show more favor for one litter over another. Maybe it had something to do with their fathers.

"Here sissy, share with me!" Squeaked Duckkit at Whisperkit, pushing her piece of prey closer to her older sister.
Whisperkit purred at the kit, perking up a little. But when she reached out to take her share, Beckycreek growled at her, pullling Duckkit back and snatching up her portion of the mouse. Whisperkit's ears lowered, and although she looked sad, she didn't seem surprised by the queen's actions. A pang of smpathy squeezed Hazepaw's heart.

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