Chapter 28

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~~~Y/N's POV~~~
My phone ringing scares the shit out of me. I let it go to voicemail and check the time. 4am. Fuck. I've only been asleep for 2 hours. Four here, what's that, yesterday evening at home? My phone immediately lights back up, Hailee's picture on the screen. I answer, still groggy.
"Hey, Hail," I greet her, barely cognitive
"Really? Hey? Are you joking?" Her voice is harsh. Did I forget something? Fuck, what day is it?
"It's 4am here. What are you talking about?" I yawn as I ask her, which I'm sure isn't going to make her too happy.
"I don't care what time it is, y/n. I'd like you to explain just why the fuck you were kissing Florence in front of a bar." Kissing Florence? What is she- oh.
"What? How'd you?" This doesn't make sense.
"Thought I wouldn't find out, didn't you? I cannot fucking believe this, y/n."
"Woah! Woah, nothing happened, Hailee," another yawn, shit. Stop that!
"I'm literally looking at photo evidence to the contrary!" She yells.
"What? That's ridiculous, it wasn't even-" I look down at my phone and see a news alert that she must be looking at too. "What the fuck? Who the hell?"
"Don't tell me it isn't you, it's clearly you," I can hear her eyes rolling. angrily. "I know when I see my girlfriend."
"No, I mean, nevermind. It isn't what it looks like, I promise." I'm wide awake now, frantic. Flo and I were tipsy, joking around, imitating a French guy that was aggressively hitting on me, and we accidentally leaned the same way to do an air kiss. It was literally nothing, but then we went to another bar, and we got a little trashed, and I crashed on her couch two hours ago. I didn't think anyone even saw it, why would I think to tell her she might see a photo of it? "I swear, Hail." Right when I say it, Flo comes out of her room, confused.
"Are you alright y/n?" She calls groggily, and Hailee audibly gasps on the other end of the phone. The other end of the world.
"Was that her?" Her unsaid accusation hurts.
"I slept at her flat after the pub," the explanation comes clumsily, shock that she's insinuated that I would sleep with Florence pulsing through my brain.
"You're at her place?" I can hear tears in her voice now. "You know what, I don't deserve this. Don't bother coming back here. Even for work. I'm getting a new assistant."
"You're breaking up with me?" When Flo overhears me, her eyes go saucer-wide. "You won't even let me explain?" I feel tears welling up and my throat closing.
"It's pretty fucking obvious what happened," she spits.
"No it isn't! Nothing happened, Hailee! You really think I'd cheat on you? That Flo would betray you like that?" I feel sick to my stomach. What the fuck am I gonna do? How can I fix this if she doesn't even want me to come home?
"I'm staring right at photo evidence," She repeats. Her voice is cold. Emotionless.
"You really don't believe me?" I feel my lip trembling. I fucking knew these trolls were gonna be the end of us. "Hailee, I love you! Please."
"Don't." She hangs up, and I'm left there broken on Flo's couch in the dark. I let my phone drop to the floor, numb. The pain in my chest is unbearable.
"Y/n. What happened?" She asks, softly, like she knows that saying it is going to kill me.
"Hailee-" my voice breaks on her name and I burst into tears, sobbing violently. Florence moves to sit next to me and hugs me tightly. She picks my phone up off the floor and sees the news story, her face turning from bewilderment to pure rage.
"You're not serious? She believes this?" I simply nod, incapable of making any sound but a pitiful wail. How could this happen? How could she really think I'd do something like that?
~~~Hailee's POV~~~
I haven't left my bed since I talked to Y/n. Griffin called to ask me about the article, and I was completely numb when I told him. He said maybe I should have let her defend herself, but I don't want to hear the worst. I can't believe I really did it. Fuck. I broke up with y/n. Taylor texted me to ask if I've heard from her, and I can't respond to him. I have no idea what to say. Oh my god, I'm never going to see her again. Why didn't I let her explain? What if she really didn't do anything bad? What if I overreacted? I mean, people take things out of context sometimes, right? But in what context would kissing someone else be okay? They weren't working. I finally get up to take care of the dogs since their walker is off today, and they run around my legs, excited that I've finally moved. Brando runs over to his bowl when I fill it, but Martini stays close to me.
"It's okay Teeny, Mommy's okay." I tell her, crouching down to pet her little head. When she gives me a little puppy kiss on the hand, I finally burst into tears. God, this hurts. I feel my phone vibrate, and when I see Flo's name, I immediately close it. I can't listen to her explanation right now. Instead of wallowing alone, I text Griffin to tell him I'm not okay, and he calls. After a minute, he finally offers advice.
"How do you normally get out of your head?"
"Working out with Dad."
"Okay, call Dad and have him come over."
"I don't wanna have to talk to him about it," I admit.
"Then tell him that. Has he ever pushed you?" After a pointed silence, he chuckles. "With emotional stuff. I know he's a hardass in the gym."
"No, you're right. Can you call him for me, though? I'm gonna turn my phone off."
"Yeah, I got you. But Haiz? When you're ready I think you should talk about this." When he hangs up, I go to my room to get ready for a workout. Hopefully, Dad will understand the assignment and kick my ass.

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