Chapter 17

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~~~~Y/N’s POV~~~~
I wake up to my alarm blasting. Fuck, I’m tired. I shut it off and  roll over to wake Hailee up, but she’s been roused by the hellish sounds of my alarm as well. She groans and turns away from me, pulling the covers over her head. I get up and go to the bathroom, throwing on my sweats and t-shirt that I brought for the flight. I brush my teeth and get my backpack all squared away before going to the closet to get Hailee’s suitcase. It's been packed for like a week. I roll it out to the front door then head back to wake her up. She’s uncovered her head now, but she’s still sleeping. I slip back under the covers and put one arm around her. “Hailee!” I sing-song, “Time to go to Atlanta!”
“I wanna sleep!” She squirms around.
“You can sleep on the plane!” I kiss her on the cheek. “Come on, we can’t be late!”
“Only if you give me a real kiss!” She purses her lips at me, and scrunches her eyes shut. I oblige with gusto, tightening my arm around her.
“Okay, time to go.” I get back up and go to offer her a hand, but she's hidden under the covers again. I check my watch, noting we have like 15 minutes before we have to go. “Hailee. Seriously, you have to get up.” I make my voice more stern.
“Oh no! Not the business voice!” Hailee laughs and gets out of bed. She starts getting ready, and I look for her carry-on. I know it was ready to go, but she must have moved it. When I finally find it in the office, we are definitely running late. I sprint to get everything in the car, and I’m heading back inside to get Hailee when she steps out the front door. “I’m coming! Let me lock the door!” She calls, and I jump into the driver’s seat. We just barely make it to our gate on time to board with first class, and I’m shaking with anxiety. I am a very punctual person, and I hate cutting it so close. As soon as we’ve settled into our seats, Hailee starts searching for a movie to watch, and I pull out a book.
About halfway through the flight, Hailee has fallen asleep, and I hear a flight attendant sternly speaking to someone. I glance back to see two young passengers being barred by the flight attendant, and I can’t help but listen to what’s going on. One of the passengers says “But ma’am, we just want to ask if we can take a picture with her!”
“You’ll have to do that after the flight. I cannot permit you to come up here and bother the first class passengers.”
“She’ll be long gone by the time we get off of the plane, please.” The other passenger says. I know they must be talking about Hailee, I don’t recognize anyone else up here. I nudge her awake.
“Hey Boss? There are a couple of fans back there.”
“Really? Did they see me?” She has an excited glint in her eye.
“Yeah, they’re trying to get the Flight Attendant to let them up here.” I gesture behind us with my head. She looks over to see the two passengers still pleading to come say hi, and she nods to me. I stand up and let her out, but when she walks toward them and I go to sit back down, she grabs my hand. “Okay then” I mutter.
“Hi, excuse me, my assistant couldn’t help but overhear.” Hailee addresses the attendant. “Did someone want to meet me?”
“Oh Ms. Steinfeld, I’m so sorry to bother you!” They begin, and she cuts them off.
“It’s no bother! I always love to meet a fan.” Then she addresses the passengers. “Hi, I’m Hailee.” She shakes their hands as they both proceed to squeal. “And this is Y/n, my assistant.” I wave at them. “I was asleep, so you have her to thank for waking me up.” They both say thank you excitedly. They introduce themselves as Sarah and Jackie.
“Would you like me to take a photo for you?” I ask them, and there is another excited squeal.
“Actually, would you be in the picture?” Jackie asks, “After all, you’re the reason it’s happening.” I start to protest but Hailee interrupts me.
“Yes! You have to!” Sarah goes to take a selfie of the four of us, and Hailee pulls me close to her. When I see the photo, our faces are touching, and I feel a flush rising in my cheeks. “A silly one now!” Hailee says, and when Sarah takes the picture, Hailee kisses my cheek, dangerously close to my mouth. I know my face has to be on fire. I quickly suggest taking one of each of them with Hailee before we head back to our seats, and as soon as they’re gone, I round on Hailee.
“What the hell, Hailee?” I hiss.
“Why did you kiss me in that picture? You know that’s going to blow up on socials.”
“I told you I’m not embarrassed of you. And I mean it.” She puts a hand on my leg to stop my nervous leg bouncing.
“I believe you, Hailee, but your family knowing and strangers knowing are very different things. That picture could spark rumors that I'm not ready to be questioned about.” I pull my leg from under her hand, still keeping my voice as low as possible.
“Oh, come on, it was a playful kiss on the cheek, y/n. People have been insisting I’m closeted forever, it’ll just be the same old things.”
“I haven’t been seen with you in a non-professional, non-paparazzi situation before, we have no idea what's going to happen,” I insist. “What is your plan if people start asking you about me?”
“I’ll say you’re my assistant.” She rolls her eyes.
“And if they ask about that picture in particular?” I quirk a brow.
“I’ll say it was a playful kiss on the cheek. We spend a lot of time together, we’re close.” She sounds impatient, like I shouldn’t be upset, which is infuriating. “I will handle it, y/n.” When I don’t answer, she puts her hand back on my knee. “Or, I could tell them the truth, finally.” It’s barely audible. I turn to look at her.
“Which is?”
“That I’m wildly attracted to women; you in particular.” She whispers in my ear. My stomach flutters.
“Hailee-I don’t know if I’m ready for that.” I whisper back. “I mean, we haven’t really defined what it is we’re doing here.”
“We’ll talk when we get to the hotel,” she decides. “Are you gonna read more, or do you want to watch something with me?”
When we finally get checked in and settled into our rooms, I’m exhausted. This day has been a lot already. I look at my watch, delighted to realize that I’m in the same timezone as my mom now. I give her a call, and we chat for a while before I hear a knock on the door adjoining mine and Hailee’s rooms. I hang up with my mom and answer Hailee’s knock. She leans on the door jam and gives me a stern look. “It’s time we talked.”

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