Chapter 20

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~~~Y/N's POV~~~
"And that's a wrap!" I hear from the other side of the lot. Every bit of tension leaves my shoulders. We've finally finished filming, and tomorrow we get to go home to LA! Tonight, we celebrate. Hailee has been dropping little hints that she wants to start telling more people about our relationship, maybe even tell the public when the movie's press tour starts. I'll admit, I'm terrified of what her fans might say about me, I might have to stay off of socials for a while. Mostly though, I'm excited. I feel like it means she's serious about me. I haven't told her that I'm down yet, she's only really said things casually, but I'm planning on telling her before the wrap party. When she finally gets back to the trailer, she's got tears in her eyes. I jump up to comfort her. "Are you okay, Hails?"
"I'm fine, just emotional." She waves me off. "I'm always a little teary when I finish filming."
"Can I do anything to help?"
"Distract me until the party?" She comes over and puts her hands on my hips. "I can't wait to get you back home."
"That makes two of us." I press up onto my tiptoes and kiss her.
"I've been thinking-" She starts, putting a hand on my cheek. "I want to go public."
"Yes." I don't even hesitate.
"Really?" Her eyes light up.
"I wanna tell the whole world I'm yours." I say honestly, and she smiles that 1,000 watt smile.
"So I can make an announcement at the wrap party?" She's bouncing on the balls of her feet now, she's so excited.
"Absolutely." I pull her closer to me and she leans down, locking me in a tight embrace. She lifts me up and spins me, laughing. "Honestly, it's a testament to Alex that we aren't already in the tabloids."
"No! You finally told them?!"
"They heard you calling for me when we were face-timing." I raise my eyebrows meaningfully. Her brows furrow.
"When was that?"
"Last night." I try not to laugh and fail.
"You mean when I asked you to get in the shower with me?" Her eyes widen in shock and her cheeks redden. I nod, trying to contain my laughter. She loosens her grip on my waist until I get ahold of myself, and give her a little kiss.
"It was an effective way to break the news. They at least didn't bet on us," I tease. Her brother had made a bet with her mom that we'd be together by the time we came back from Atlanta, which he was very excited to inform us that he won when Hailee called and told him.
"Or plan with our mutual friend to push us to go for it." Hailee smiles, referring to Taylor and Flo. She tilts my chin up and kisses me again, soft and sweet. The taste of her lingers in my mouth when she pulls away. God, she's like heaven. We head back to the hotel and get ready for the party, and I'm starting to get a little antsy. We're both doing our makeup when Hailee moves behind me and puts her hands on my hips and her chin on my shoulder.
"How do you know when I'm getting anxious?" I ask her.
"Little things. Your energy changes." She shrugs and kisses my neck. I close my eyes, savoring the feeling. "And I know this always helps," she murmurs, and kisses again in the same spot, this time opening her mouth to do so. I lean my head back into her, giving her more space, and she chuckles. "See? I can play you like a flute." She teases lightly, squeezing my hips.
"Mmm-hmm," I agree, "And I appreciate that very much." I turn my head to kiss her.
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" She asks.
"I'm sure. Let's go."
~~~Hailee’s POV~~~~
Fuck, I'm nervous. Everyone is here for the wrap party. It's about time for someone to kick off the night with a speech, and as producers and stars, Flo and I are expected to be doing that. I told her like 20 minutes ago that I'm going to tell everyone that y/n and I are in a relationship at the end of our little speech, and she lost it. She was so happy, I don't know if she'll make it through the few remarks we have planned. About ten feet from me I see Flo with a mic, standing on a box of some sort, and I know it's time. I make my way over to her, Y/n close by, and we thank everyone for their great work. The next thing I know, Flo is handing me the mic and saying I have a special announcement. Shit. Okay. Here goes nothing.
"So, as many of you know, I have always been a huge ally to the LGBTQ+ community. And as some of you know, I am also a member of that community. Tonight, I want all of you to know that I have recently become the luckiest woman on Earth, because-actually hold on." I scan my surroundings for Y/n and wave her over to me. She reluctantly follows instructions and nervously comes to stand next to me. The room is buzzing with anticipation. "I'm so lucky, because this gem of a woman has agreed to be my girlfriend." I look at her, tears in both of our eyes as everyone cheers emphatically. I hold up a hand and put the mic back to my lips. "We've been dating for a little while now. I wanted you guys to know before I go public on the press tour. Thank all of you for making this such a safe and welcoming environment and for putting together one hell of a movie!" The cheers come again, somehow even roadies this time, and someone (probably Flo) starts a chant.
"KISS HER! KISS HER! KISS HER!" A request I can certainly get behind. Y/n looks more starstruck than I've ever seen her when I pull her into me to kiss her. When I break the kiss, she's got this stunned look in her eyes.
"I can't believe this is my life," she says softly.
"Me either," I admit, and kiss her again before we're swarmed with people congratulating us. This is the best wrap party ever!

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