Chapter 14

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~~~Hailee’s POV~~~
Everything is just incredible. Tomorrow is an off day, and y/n is going home to get her things prepared for the Atlanta trip. She’s so busy with making my arrangements and getting everything ready here, she forgot to pack for herself. It doesn’t help that we’ve had long days on set, trying to get everything done that we needed to before going across the country. She’s been sleeping in the guest room off and on since filming started, which has been more than tempting. Right now, I’m in the makeup trailer, getting my wig removed, and then it’s to my trailer and home. This off day is so needed. As soon as my wig is off of me and on the wig stand, I book it to meet y/n. I open the door to my trailer to see her sitting at the table looking at her laptop, working hard. She starts typing furiously, and I slip inside unnoticed. I sneak up behind her and grab her shoulders, startling her.
“Oh fuck, Hailee, you scared me!” She starts laughing, and I massage her shoulders a little bit as she goes back to her email.
“You about ready to head out of here?” I ask her, hoping we get a little bit of down time together before she goes home.
“In a second, I need to reply to James Corden’s people. They want you on the show closer to the release date. I can’t believe how far out this stuff is scheduled. I had no idea before.
“It is a little crazy, isn’t it? Mostly, this only happens with Marvel projects though.” I give her a last squeeze and go to gather my stuff.
“Are you excited to go to Atlanta?” She asks me as she packs up her computer bag.
“Yeah, I like a change of scenery now and then.” She reaches for my bag, and I roll my eyes as I give it to her. “Have you been?”
“I’ve driven through Georgia, but no.” I watch her as she locks up my trailer. “I’m looking forward to it.” We head toward the front of the lot, where I know she has a car waiting.
“I wish you didn’t have to go home tonight.” I blurt out as we’re nearing our destination.
“I’m picking you up for the flight, you won’t even notice I’m gone.” She grins as she opens the car door for me. She follows me in and gets herself situated as we pull from the curb.
“What am I supposed to do all day tomorrow?” I ask her, teasingly, as I slide the partition closed.
“You could try relaxing, ever heard of it?” she smirks at me knowingly.
“You think you’re hilarious, don’t you?”
“I know I am,” She laughs, and I put a hand on her leg.
“You’re lucky you’re so cute,” I say, and kiss her cheek. She blushes deeply. “You know, If you come back tonight, we could go swimming,” I offer, still close enough to kiss her.
“I really need to pack, Hailee,” she turns to look at me, her gaze flitting from my eyes to my lips and back. I tilt her chin up with a finger.
“Then pack fast.” I kiss her, and she melts into me. Fuck. Her lips open under mine and I shudder as she puts a hand on my waist. I let my hand slide along her jaw and around to twist my fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck. She gasps into my mouth and deepens the kiss for a moment before pulling away. My hand is still in her hair when she makes eye contact.
"Come with me," she whispers. She touches her forehead to mine then tilts her face to kiss my nose. "It'll motivate me to go faster."
"You sure I wouldn't just be distracting?" I tease her. She squeezes my waist,making me giggle.
“Oh, I know you’ll be distracting,” She flirts, then scoots back in her seat. I miss the pressure of her hand on my waist as soon as it leaves.
“Are you sure it would be okay? Would Alex be weird about it?” The thought of them seeing us makes me suddenly excited. Nervous, super nervous, but excited. Like how I feel before a concert.
“You planning on making out with me in front of them?” Y/n grins. “I think we can hold it together for a little while.” Her hand slides across the middle seat, and she threads her fingers into mine. “They know we are going to Atlanta, why not just tell them about the city to distract them from your obvious pining.” She winks smiling knowingly.
“Ha. Ha. It’s not pining if you know and reciprocate the feeling,” I defend myself. I lift her hand up and kiss her knuckles.
“What is it then?”
“I don’t know.” I rest our hands on my thigh, drawing circles on the back of her hand with my thumb. “Lusting?” I suggest, and she laughs. “What?”
“I mean, it applies, it’s just- It’s crazy.” She looks at me sincerely. “Hailee Steinfeld. Lusting after me.”
“Get used to it,” I smirk, squeezing her hand. “Actually-” I pull her hand across my body so that she has to lean closer to me, and plant another kiss on her lips. “Get used to that, too.” She giggles as I grab her waist and pull her as close as I can in the backseat, peppering her face with kisses. “And this.”
“Stop! That tickles!” She keeps laughing, playfully swatting at my hands holding her.
“Don’t give me ideas,” I tease, wiggling my fingers a little bit, making her squeal.
“No! Hailee! I am not responsible for the injuries I will cause if you tickle me.” She tries to look at me sternly, but breaks out into a grin.
“Okay, okay.” I flatten my hands on her waist. “I won’t tickle you.” I pause for a second and give her a mischievous look. “In the car.” She rolls her eyes before she leans in and kisses me, hard. When we finally get back to my house, all I want to do is take her into my bedroom and keep her there for as long as possible. Y/n however, is back in business mode as soon as we pull in, sliding the partition open to thank the driver, and getting everything inside and put away. When she’s satisfied, she grabs her keys and gives me a questioning look.
“Are you really coming with me to pack?” She asks, one eyebrow lifting. I smile at her from the couch where I’m playing with Martini and Brando.
“Of course I am. I want to see you all protective of me around Alex.” I jump up and follow her outside, where I realize that she’s going to drive her car. “This is a first.”
“Don’t make me nervous.”
“What? I’m sure you’re a great driver,” I reassure her. On the drive over, I can tell she’s nervous anyway, so I don’t do anything to tease her, just vibe to the music she’s playing. She has great taste.
~~~~Y/N’s POV~~~
“Finally! I haven’t seen you in- Oh fuck, hi Hailee,” Alex greets us as we walk in, having run into the living room when they heard the door unlocking.
“Hey Alex, I have to pack for Atlanta, do you mind keeping Hailee distracted?” I ask them, slyly teasing Hailee.
“I can do that!” They are definitely still starstruck, having only met her the one time. Hailee’s cheeks are slightly pink, embarrassed by the attention. “Are you still off tomorrow? Or- I mean, not that I mind, but why are you here, Hailee?” They look at her, their face turning red with excitement.
“Uh, um-” Hailee tries to find an excuse, clearly caught off guard.
“I actually have some stuff that I want to get done tomorrow before we fly out early the next day,” I save her.
“And I asked her to stay with me tonight. I always get lonely when the pups go to my parent’s house,” she improvises. Her mom is picking them up tomorrow, actually, but I am proud of her recovery.
“Sleepover!” I joke, “We’ll stay up late, swappin’ manly stories.”
“And in the mornin’ I’m makin’ waffles!” Alex finishes the quote, laughing. Come to think of it, waffles sound really good. Maybe I’ll surprise Hailee in the morning.
“Not Shrek quotes,” Hailee makes fun of us. I shake my head as I leave the two of them to go grab my suitcase and head to my room to pack. After a few minutes, Hailee slips in and closes the door behind herself. “How mad would you be if I were to distract you for a minute?” She slinks toward me and bats her eyelashes. I grin at her as I put the pants I’m folding into my suitcase.
“Hailee, the faster we get out of here, the sooner you can distract me,” I tell her, giving her a stern look. “Do you want Alex to catch us?” I warn her, just as Alex opens the door.
“Are you guys gonna be here for a while? Should I order a pizza?” They look so hopeful, I have to look at Hailee to answer. I can’t say no to that face.
“Why not? I haven’t had pizza in a while. Do you wanna play a game or something while y/n packs?” Hailee asks them, and I can't help melting. She’s literally so sweet.
“Oh hell yes! Mario Kart?” Alex runs to their room to grab their switch. They’re back in a flash, and they pull out their phone. “What do you like on pizza, Hailee? Y/n is a classic pepperoni gal most of the time.”
“Always a safe option,” I say. Hailee shrugs and says that pepperoni is fine, and they both leave me alone again. I go through my list about four times before I’m satisfied with my packing, and when I get out to the living room, Hailee and Alex are battling it out in Mario Kart, Hailee in first, Alex in second. Alex is standing up, their eyes glued to the TV, when a blue shell flies past them to hit Hailee, and they shriek with glee as they zoom into first place. Hailee is shouting angrily as they both cross the finish line, making me laugh.
“I was so close!” She yells, “Okay okay, another grand prix.” She starts choosing a racetrack as Alex does a victory dance.
“Having fun?” I ask them.
“Yeah, food is on the table,” Alex gestures toward the open pizza box. I grab a slice and sit on the couch between them.
“Y/n has winner?” Alex asks, and Hailee gives me a glance.
“I think we should head back to Hailee’s after this one. I have a couple of emails to send out tonight,” I lie, and Hailee gives me a sly nudge.
“You work too hard,” Alex criticizes. “Sorry, Hailee.”
“No, you’re right, but I can’t say I don’t like it. She makes my life so much easier.” Hailee picks out her Kart and such and looks over at us. “Ready to race, loser?”
“I literally just beat you, dumbass.” Alex says, and I feel warmth at how they’ve opened up to each other so quickly. Hailee laughs as the race starts and I find myself rooting for her. Alex takes great offense to that, calling me a traitor.
“She’s my boss! I like my job!” I defend myself. By the last race, Hailee is poised to win, but Alex is pulling ahead. When they come around the last turn, Hailee leans over me and smacks at Alex’s controller, causing them to drive off course and getting her the win. I’m cackling as they start fighting like little kids, Alex shouting that Hailee cheated.
“Defend me, y/n!” Hailee smacks my shoulder. I just keep laughing.
“We gotta go, Hailee.” I stand up and grab my stuff as they come to an agreement to have a rematch another time.

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