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The next day, Hermione told me about what happened that night. Just like Neville, she had no plans in going back there but I know that it's not going to work that way.

She also warned me to stay away from the third floor but I actually want to visit the dog that looks like Cerberus, the hound that guards the gates of the underworld. I became close to the Cerberus in my past life because I went to visit the underworld a few times.

It's been a month since the term started. At the beginning of October, it's getting colder. Aside from studying, I still have a lot of other things to do. I would sit with Hermione during classes except at potions because I sit with Theo.

I will do my homework with Hermione but if it's about potions and Herbology, I will do it with Neville. Neville will help me with my Herbology and I will help him with potions in return. He's getting better at writing potion essays but his practical are still a mess because he often forget some steps especially when professor Snape is breathing down his neck and eyeing him carefully. During other free times, I will go to RoR to train or practice spells.

Apparition is invalid at Hogwarts but I still tried if I can shadow travel. Surprisingly, I can do it and I doubt the headmaster knows it since it's different from magic. Because my powers is weakened, I can only shadow travel in very short distance. Shadow traveling in the castle is easy because if there is no window there's a lot of shadows.

Right now, I'm going to do my first rule breaking adventure. I want to visit Fluffy, the three headed dog in the forbidden third floor secretly. I specifically studied disillusionment charm so that I can sneak out without being found. I'm going to visit the hound in the middle of the night, when everyone is already asleep so that Filch and his cat will be my only problem.

After making sure that everyone in the dormitory is asleep, I used disillusionment spell on me. I pointed my wand at my forehead and casted the spell. I felt cold sensation of magic wrapping around me.

It took me a week to perfect the spell. At first, it won't last long and ineffective if I move but now, I can use it for an hour while moving. As long as I won't make a lot of noise, I won't be caught.

I walked out of the common room and stride towards to my destination. I opened the door with a simple 'Alohomora', the unlocking spell.

Honestly, the security is a bit lax, no wonder, a group of first year students can go inside. There are no enchantments at the door at all. I felt it with my magic.

I entered and I saw Fluffy standing looking at me vigilantly. I didn't enter immediately and just observe. I still don't know if he'll attack me so I didn't make a move. I relaxed when her put his three head down and bowed.

I walked to him slowly before touching the middle head. The middle closed it's eyes comfortably.

"Like it, don't you? You look like Cerberus. Perhaps you're related if there is an underworld here." I whispered. I also tap the other two heads. I played with him for a while. When it went back to sleep, I also went back to the dormitory. My curiosity is already satisfied.


Theo and I are still friends but we seldom meet during week days because of schedule conflict. We can't eat in each other's table because of the stupid house rivalry. We don't want our housemates mad at us. I will still find time to talk to him.

Today's a weekend so there are no classes. Before breakfast, I waited for Theo at the entrance of the great hall. I saw him walking with Blaise so I approached them.

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