Kol Meets Bonnie

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Kol's Pov

Ugh! It's so annoying nowadays, my brothers keep on calling dibs on the hot girls that come here, I mean I thought I had a chance with that chick Elena but nooo, Elijah came in and claimed her for himself, I mean this is Elijah that we are talking about, he usually never claimes anyone as his, same as Niklaus, it's like they want to marry them or something, whatever, at least I am not as stupid as those two, marriage is the worst thing that could happen to anyone.

I heard the doorbell ring and quickly went to see who it is, our sister's third friend is coming over today, and I wanted to see how she looks.

When I opened the door, I looked into the eyes of a goddess, she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, she had smooth light brown skin, gorgeous olive green eyes with a heart-shaped face, her wavy brown hair falling down to her back in the most perfect way possible, her full lips with her curvy frame, her thin waist and some other parts I would like to see when she was fully nude.

Bonnie's Pov

I was waiting outside the mansion when the door was opened revealing probably Adonis himself, he had neat brown hair, his eyes were brown in colour and I was sure that I was hypnotized by them, his sharp jaw, and my god, how often does this guy work out? , he was lean but definitely athletic, I could see his muscles right through his Henley shirt.

I snapped out of my trance, extended my hand forward, and said "Hi, my name I Bonnie, Bonnie Bennett, and you are?" I ask. He sends a boyish grin in my direction before taking my hand but instead guides it to his lips and places a soft kiss on it saying. "Kol Mikaelson, darling". When he called me darling, it shot a sense of hotness through my core! Oh my god Bonnie keep it together!

"Oh, I am so sorry, you know maybe being 23 years old might have taught me some manners but apparently it didn't," He said moving out of the way. I chuckle slightly at his comment, right at that moment, Bekah came out and pulled me into a tight hug which I gladly returned. "Hey, Bon Bon!" Rebekah squealed. "Ouch, Bex! I am happy to see you too but I would like to keep my hearing please" I said laughing while she rolled her eyes. 

At that moment 2 older men walk through the door, "Oh, since everybody is already here, I might as well introduce everyone, Bonnie this is my oldest brother Elijah, my second oldest brother Niklaus and my 3rd oldest brother, Kol which presume who you have met" Bex said, pointing at everyone, the remaining two brothers come and kiss my hand as Kol did but just not in a flirty way, I was thankful for that.

"Come on Bonnie! We have loads to discuss" Bex said before dragging me along with her. "Oh yeah, well pleasure meeting you all," I said as I was getting dragged out. What we entered was a beautiful Kitchen

"Woah, really beautiful kitchen," I said complementing the exterior

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"Woah, really beautiful kitchen," I said complementing the exterior. Bex laughed a little before saying "Please, this is one of our kitchens, I only picked this one because it was the closest". "Well I can make it work," I said, chuckling. I took out all the flavours of cake that had from my bag and we quickly got to work, I asked which flavour she thought was the best and she said it, I asked her about the decoration of the cake and we discussed it for 2 hours because she could not make up her mind, in the end, she said I was in charge of food and drinks which I had to spend another 2 hours talking to her about when we finished, she said she had somewhere to go and left.

As I was packing up, I felt two hands on my waist, that touch made me shiver, I turned around to see none other than Kol Mikaelson.

Kols's Pov

I walk in to see my darling packing up, I already made it clear to my brothers that my claim was on her and they agreed to keep their claws off, I walk towards the beauty and place my hands on her tiny waist, she turns around and sends me an angelic smile, soon those lips would be moaning my name. "Hello Kol" I love how my name rolls off her tongue. "Hello darling, leaving already," I ask. She sighs and nods, "Well I don't think I want you to leave just yet," I say before lifting her by her thighs and placing her on the counter top, she squeals and quickly wraps her legs around my torso as an instinct, "Kol!" she scolds playfully. "First, I have some questions, then you can leave," I say. She pouts but nods, oh god, the amount of resistance I used to not pounce on her, at that moment, she is lucky I am willingly taking it slow.

"So, what's your favourite colour and why?" I ask. "My favourite colour is green because it reminds me of nature," She says, a glimmer in her eyes, So she likes to be outdoors, interesting. "What do you like to do for fun?" I ask. "Umm, well a lot of things, like singing, cheerleading, fashion designing because I think your sister already told you about our company and don't make fun of me but I kind of like witchcraft," She says. Witchcraft, she really is different from other girls. "So should I call my darling little witch then?" I ask, playfully. Her eyes widen and she stammers "S-sure".

"Third and final question, why did you learn self-defence?" I ask as I was curious as to why she would be interested in fighting, most girls including the ones that are a part of our world never would take a self-defence in their life. "Oh she told you about that night," She says as I nod. "Well my best friends' mom is a cop and she told us from when we were kids to be independent to fight for ourselves, and she enrolled us three into self defence classes to help us become stronger" Bonnie explains. "Why do you like baking or cooking?" I ask. "No no, your three questions are up," She says.

"Well looks like I have to wait for you to visit again, what a shame," I say while I see a piece of cake still sitting on the counter, I use my finger to pick up the frosting and smear a little bit on her cheek. She gasps and shoves me playfully. "Kol!" She yells. "Sorry darling, let me take it off," I say as I lean in and lick away the frosting. 

Her reaction was the best, she went wide-eyed and her mouth was parted. I look into her magnificent eyes and get lost in them, "Umm, I have to go, my friends told me to meet them at a cafe, I don't want to be late" she says nervously. I mentally smirk at the effect I have on her. I nod and move out of the way so she could jump down. 

She quickly packs up without making eye contact with me while I was leaning against the door frame, watching my darling little witch. "I must get going, please tell Bex I said goodbye," She says. I nod and say, "Please, let me escort you to the door". She nods and I take her hand and lead her to the door. She says goodbye to me and get's in her car and leaves. 

One thing in my mind was made up, that beautiful form of Artemis would be mine and mine only, she will be my little witch and there is no one to save her now

Those three girls did not know they had attracted the attention of the devils themselves, who is going to save them now or will they save themselves?

( A/N: Sorry guys for the late update and I am also sorry that this chapter is smaller than the others I kind of ran out of ideas to right for Kennet but still I hope you like it and the next update is going to be for original children and I am requesting all of you to write down your thoughts about this chapter in the comments and until next time

Bye cuties!!)

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