29. Ashley's week

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Friday, August 18th, 2024
A week later

JJ's pov

Kai turned a week old yesterday and today starts Ashley's week, she was coming to pick him up in less than an hour and I was freaking out, I wasn't ready for him to be gone for a week.

"Your gonna stay with your mom for a little" I say to Kai who's in my arms. "Dad's gonna miss you" I say

"Daddy!" River yells from his room

"Shit" I say standing up from the couch, putting Kai in his swing. "What happ... oh shit River what the hell" I say going to his room and see baby powder all over him and everything else in his room

"Sorry" he says looking at the floor

"Why did you do this, it's all over you" I say crouching in front of him

He just stays silent looking at the floor

"Hey, look at me, why" I say moving his chin up, making him look at me

And he still stays silent, but looking at me now, shrugging his shoulders

"River your not gonna be trouble" I say

"Bubba leave" he wripsers

"Riv I've been telling you all week that he'll come back" I say

"No" he wripser yells

"Ok I don't know what you're trying to say, but you need a bath, so arms up" I say

So he puts his arms, so I can take his shirt off and then Kai starts to cry

"Ok hold on, take your pants off if you can" I say going to the living room to get Kai. "Hey little guy it's ok" I say picking him up. "You want a bottle, huh" I say bouncing him walking to the kitchen

As I was feeding him the bottle I hear River's quiet voice behind me

"Daddy" he says quietly

I turn around and he's standing there butt naked, I guess he got his pants off. God why is he like this

"River where's your diaper" I say slightly annoyed

He then points to his room

"Ok that's fine whatever just go wait in there and don't go to the bathroom anywhere" I say sitting down feeding Kai his bottle

He then continues to stand there looking at the floor.

"River what's wrong" I say

"I peed" he wripsers

"You peed where" I say annoyed

He points to his room

"Was it before or after you took the diaper off" I say

"After" he wripsers

"God River ok, hold on" I say getting up and putting Kai in his swing proping up his bottle

"Go until the bathroom River" I say to him walking to the bathroom with him. "I said your pants not your diaper" I say annnoyed turning the water on

"Sorry Daddy" he says looking at the floor

"It's fine I'll clean it, come here" I say grabbing his arm gently and pulling him towards me. "In you go" I say lifting him into the bathtub

"You want toys?" I ask him

He nods his head, so I dump them all on his head (there soft)

"Daddy you splash me" he says laughing

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