17. Grieving

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Saturday, April 7th, 2023

John B's pov

So it's been 2 weeks since JJ brought home River and we're all worried about JJ because he hasn't done a thing with River since he brought him home, we think that he blames him for Brooke dying. He doesn't even come out of the bedroom unless he's going to the bathroom or leaving the house to go who nows where and to top everything else he hasn't eaten. At this point I'm basically River's dad.

Right now I'm sitting on the couch watching tv feeding River a bottle when JJ comes out of the bedroom looking terrible as always

"Hey haven seen you in a while" I say joking

"Fuck off" he says looking for something

"Whatcha looking for, drugs?" I ask mad, getting no response

"JJ!" I yell scaring River making him cry

"Can you make him stop" JJ says covering his ears

"Why don't you do it he's your kid" I say pissed at JJ. "Hey River it's ok, I'm sorry take the bottle back" I say giving him the bottle and he stops crying

"Of course" JJ says pissed

"What, JJ" I say pissed

"Nothing" he says looking around

"What you looking for" I ask again

"My bike keys, can I borrow-" he says

"No" I say interrupting him

"You don't even no what I'm asking for" he says getting mad

"Nope and I don't care" I say getting up cause River's done with his bottle

"Can you hold him for a sec, I need to clean the bottle" I say holding River out to him

"Hell no" he says backing away

"He's your kid, your holding him" I say putting River in his arms

JJ then holds this arms holding River by the armpits making him cry

"John B can you hurry up" JJ says freaking out that River's crying

"He's 2 weeks old you can't hold him like that, why do think he's crying" I say taking River from him

"Then don't ask me to hold him" he says. "Can I borrow the twinkle" he says fast so I can't interrupt him

"Why do you think I'd let you do that" I say. "Knowing you you'd take off with it and not come back, so you're not taking it you can walk to wherever you're going I don't care" I say putting River in his swing

"Come on John B I'm not going anywhere I just need it for today" he says annoyed

"Tell me where your going and I'll give you the keys" I say

"Just going for a drive" he says clearly lying

"Sure whatever do what you want JJ" I say throwing the keys at him

"Thanks, asshole" he mumbles

JJ's pov

John B probably should've learned awhile ago not to listen to me, I know he's gonna be pissed when he finds out where I'm actually going, Barry's.

"Barry!" I yell getting out of the car

"Maybank's kid" he says laughing walking outside. "You here to give me the money your dad owes me" he says

"No I need something" I say

"Ha that's the first you gonna pay me" he says

"Yeah" I say

"Alright come inside" he says walking inside. "Alright what you want" he says when were inside

"Painkillers and some weed maybe" I say

"I got oxy, xanax, opioids, Which want you want" he says looking in his bag

"Whatever your strongest one is" I say

"Opioids it is" he says throwing it to me. "And here's some blunts, that enough?" He asks throwing them to me

"Yeah it's good, I only got 40 hope that's enough" I say handing him the money

"Yeah that's good, pleasure doing business with you Maybank" he says

"Yeah thanks Barry" I say walking outside

"Hey do me a favor and tell your dumbass father he owes me 2K" he says following me outside

"Yeah sure Barry I'll do that, see you later" I say getting in the car

"That was a short drive" John B says as I walk inside

"I never said how long I'd be gone for" I say. "Here's your keys" I say throwing them to him

"Thanks" he says

Then I walk to bedroom and get ready to close the door when he starts taking again

"Hey JJ, thanks for coming back" he says

"Yeah whatever, like you'd care if I didn't" I say still mad at him from earlier

"I do care, we all care, were worried sick about you dude, your not eating, your not taking care of River anymore, like what the hell happened JJ he didn't do shit!" he yells at me. "He needs you JJ, it doesn't matter how much you think he might not, but he does, I'm not his father and I'm no going to be. I know you love him JJ, I can see it" he says lowering his voice a little

"He doesn't need me, do you want you want with him I don't care" I say walking to the room and slamming the door

I sit on the bed and cry, a lot, John B's right I do love him but he's better off with someone else then he can have both his parents. I take the pills from my bag and stare at them for a while, I know what I'm doing is wrong, but I miss her so much I just want the pain to stop, so I take some and get super high.

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