22. New House

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Thrusday, November 9th, 2023
Month later

Thrusday, November 9th, 2023Month later

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JJ's pov

It's been a month since I've gotten out of rehab and I feel a lot better, I'm still sober and I have a job now at the surf shack on the beach. John B's happy that I'm actually getting out the house now.

River's 8 months now and I've been thinking about moving out of the chateau and getting my house for River to grow up in. I've talked to Kie and Sarah about it and they said that they would me buy it since I don't got that much. I haven't talked to John B cause part of me thinks that he thinks I'm not ready to live on my on own yet with River, but I also think that maybe he'll be happy that I'm finally getting better and that I wanna grow up.

"Hey can we talk" I say walking into the living room holding River. "About what" John says watching tv. "Um well I talked to the girls and they said they'd help me find a house and help me pay for it" I sitting down

"House for what" he says looking at me. "I was thinking of getting my own house for River and me, a small one, view blocks from here maybe" I say. "Your gonna get a house, like to live in you mean and move out of the chateau" he says

"Why else would I get a house, yeah to live in" I say. "You think you're ready for that, you just got outta rehab a month ago, what if once you'd be alone, you relapse what then you won't be coming back here that's for sure" he says. "I wouldn't need to come back because I wouldn't replace" I say

"I don't think it's a good idea" he says getting up and going to the kitchen. "I already found a house that the girls and I are going split the cost, it's 90,000 and it's a two bedroom, so River would have his own space to grow up in. Instead of sharing a room with his dad the rest of his life, you can't tell me that I can't do this" I say getting up putting River on the floor to play

"So you think it's a good idea, for a former drugy to live alone with his 8 month old. If you start doing drugs again he could get into them since he's crawling now, what would you do if he died because of it" he says. "I'm not gonna do drugs again, why would you think I would, you don't trust me now" I say

"No I don't" he says walking past me to the living room. "Well I don't care if you don't trust me, I trust myself because I know I'm not gonna do drugs again" I say following him. "And I wouldn't care if I relapsed being by myself cause it'd definitely be better then staying with you" I say picking River up and going to my room

I put River down on the bed and grab bags from the closet and start packing my clothes and River's and a couple of his toys.

"What are you doing" John B saying walking into the room. "Leaving and you can't stop me" I say packing. "JJ I'm sorry ok, where are going to go you don't have the house yet" he says. "I'll figure it out, I'll stay with Pope or Kie" I say

"So your just gonna go, are you serious right now" he says. "Yes I'm serious" I say grabbing River and the bags walking out of the room to outside

"And how are you going to get there cause you can't take your bike with River" he says following me outside. "I'll wale" I say walking away with River on my hip

At Pope's

I knock on the door of Pope's and his dad answers

"Hi Heyward is Pope home" I say. "Yeah, but what's up, why you got all those bags" he says letting me come in. "Um... well I was hoping you'd let me stay for a few days till I can get a house" I say nervously

"Why aren't you staying at John B's" he says walking to the couch and sitting down. "Yeah I was, he's mad at me right now, I can't stay there anymore. It'd only be for about a week maybe if I stay here" I say

"With him right" he says pointing to River. "Yeah but I promise he rarely cries, he's a pretty good baby" I say. "Yeah you can stay, but not forever" he says. "No yeah I promise not forever, gonna go upstairs, thanks Heyward" I say

"Hey, Pope" I say walking into his room. "What are don't here, specifically with all these bags" he says from his bed. "Well I was hoping your dad would let me stay for a little and he said I could and I knew you wouldn't mine, so here I am" I say sitting in his chair with River on my lap

"And why do you need to stay here, something happen with JB" he says. "Yeah I wanna get my own house for River to grow up in and I told JB about it and he completely flipped out on me, you got a place I can put these" I say holding up my clothes and River's

"Yeah your can go in the closet and there's a drawer for River's clothes" he says getting up opening the drawer. "So why did he flip out on you" he says sitting down again

"He thinks that I'll relapse once I'm alone, he doesn't trust me yet, he thinks I should wait a few months, but I can't I'm done with him treating me like I'm a little kid" I say. "Well do you think you would" he says. "I don't, I don't even want to, but he apparently has absolutely no trust in me that he thinks I'll relapse and that River will get into the pills and die, I don't get why he can't just trust me" I say

"I mean I get why he doesn't trust you, you did lie about how you were feeling, but if you trust yourself enough to live by yourself then I trust you to" he says. "Thanks I guess, do you wanna see the house I found" I say. "Sure" he says

So I show him all the pictures of the house inside and the outside.

"Yeah I like it when are you gonna get it" he says. "A week maybe, the girls gotta get the money" I say

I can't wait to move in and get out of the chateau, away from John B for a little

Thursday, November 16th, 2023,
Week later

I'm moving into the house today John B's still mad at me, we haven't talked which is mainly his fault because he hasn't even called me, but Pope and the girls are here helping me move my stuff in and unpack.

"Ok are you good" Kie asks. "Yeah good, you guys can go, so I can get used to it alone, you know" I say picking River up. "Yeah were go, bye River" she says tickling him. "Bye JJ, bye River" They all say

"Alright buddy, this is our home now, welcome home" I say

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