8. First Ultrasound

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Sunday, September 4th, 2022/
A week later

Brooke's pov (2 months pregnant)

I was laying on JJ chest as he slept, listening to his little snores and staring at him, not so patiently waiting for him to wake up because we have an appointment for our first ultrasound today. You can say I'm excited and it's totally not creepy that I'm staring at him he's just so beautiful, I can't help it.

"Take a picture it will last longer" he says in his super hot morning voice

"How long have you been a awake" I say smiling

"A couple minutes, I was trying to go back to sleep, but I could feel your eyes burning into my soul" he says smiling

"Omg your so dramatic they weren't burning into your soul" I say getting up

"Sure seems like they were and where do you think you're going" he says grabbing my wrist and pulling me back to him

"JJ we have to get up, don't you remember what today is" I say getting up again

"Yeah sure I remember" he says confused

"Omg did you seriously forget what we're doing today" I say

"Staying in bed all day?" He asks like an idiot

"No you idiot we have an appointment for out first ultrasound today" i say

"Oh that's today really" he says getting out of bed suddenly wide awake

"Yes it's today" I say laughing at him

"Well what are we waiting for, get dressed come on" he says opening a drawer

"Says the one that just woke up" I say

"Shut up, I'm wide awake" he says

"Yeah now" I say

Then we get ready, eat some breakfast and JJ drives us to the hospital.

At the hospital

So we're sitting in the waiting room waiting for my name to be called and you can says I'm nervous yet excited. My leg is bouncing about a million times a minute.

"Hey calm down, were gonna be ok" JJ says putting his hand on my leg making it stop bouncing. "And the bouncing is annoying" he says rubbing my knee to calm me down

"Your annoying" I say crossing my arms

"Haha" he laughs

Then the nurse comes out and calls my name

"Brooklyn Prescott" the nurse says

"Are you ready for this" JJ says

"Yeah" I say excited

We go into the room and the nurse tells me to lay down

"You look nervous" the nurse says

"Yeah we are" I say

"That's totally fine. Can you lay down for me please" the nurse says while setting up the ultrasound

"Yeah" I say laying down

Then JJ stands next to me and grabs my hand

"It's gonna be ok" he says

I smile at him

"Alright, can you lift your shirt a little" the nurse says

"Yeah" I say while lifting my shirt

"Ok this will be a little cold" she says getting out some blue gel

"Ooo" I say cause its cold

"Sorry" the nurse says

Then she rubs this thing on my stomach and shows the screen where the baby is

Then she rubs this thing on my stomach and shows the screen where the baby is

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"Is that the baby?" JJ asks

"Yeah it is" the nurse says

"Why's it look like that, is there something wrong" JJ says worried

"Haha" I laugh at him

"What I was just making sure" he says offended that I'm laughing at him

"Everything is ok the baby's just not fully developed yet" the nurse says

"Right" he says

"And you're 2 months along, so you got 7 months left" the nurse says

"Damn that's to far away" JJ says

"Yeah I know I'm sorry, would you like a picture of the ultrasound" the nurse says

"Yes" me and JJ say at the same time

"Ok I'll be right back" the nurse says

"I love you you know that right" JJ says

"I know, I love you to" I say bringing his head down to kiss him

"Alright here's your pictures and your free to go, congratulations" the nurse says coming back into rhe room

"Thank you" I say

"Of course" she says walking out of the room

"Ready to go show these to the pouges" JJ says excited waving the ultrasound pictures

"Yeah" I say

Back at the chateau

"Guys, guys look at this, look at him" JJ says excited showing the pouges the ultrasound

"Him?" We all say at same time besides JJ

"We don't even know yet J" I say

"Oh yeah I know, I just know it's a boy, I can feel it" he says excited hugging me

"This is so cute, John B we need one" Sarah says

"No not gonna happen, not for a while at least" John B scared

"So that means eventually" Sarah syas smiling

"Hahaha" we all laugh

Hours later

Me and JJ are in bed cuddling and he has his hand on my stomach, then he leans down and starts talking to the baby even though they won't hear him yet

"Hey little guy or girl, I love you so much" he says to my stomach, kissing it

Then I start crying because he's just so cute

"Hey, I thought you were asleep, why are you crying" he says concerned

"I'm ok, you were just so cute and I love you" I say running my hand through his hair

"I love you to" he says leaning up to kiss me

Then we cuddle and go to sleep

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