15. River Maybank

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Brooke's pov (2 months later, 9 months pregnant)
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2023

Today I'm 9 months, which means that River could come any day now and JJ has been super strict about me doing anything, like seriously I haven't been out of bed for weeks, besides to use the bathroom

"JJ!" I yell from my spot on the bed

"What, what are you ok, are you in labor" he says fast running into the room

"No I'm not in labor, I need help to the bathroom" I say laughing

"Oh ok, don't do that you scared the shit out of me" he says helping me to the bathroom

"Ok I got it you can go now" I say now in the bathroom

"You sure because I can wait" he says

"JJ really I'm sure I don't need help peeing, thank you" I closing the door

"Ok but I'll be here if you need me" he says

JJ's pov

So it's been a few minutes of her being in the bathroom and it's starting to make me worried. Then she screams for me.

"Shit, I'm coming" I yell. "Are you ok, did you fall" I say worried running into the bathroom and see her on the floor with one hand holding her stomach and her other is being held out in front of her

"No I didn't but I'm bleeding" she says crying

"Oh, oh ok let's get you up and to the car" I say finally seeing the blood on her legs and her hand. "Did your water break" I say carrying her

"I don't think so" she says getting in the car

"Ok sit right there I'll be right back, gonna get the bag" I say running back inside

"Ok JJ can you drive please" she says when I get back

"Yeah I'm going" I say

At the hospital

"Hey I need a wheelchair, outside" I say running inside

"Ok" a nurse bringing a wheelchair

"She's in labor or I think she is, she's bleeding a lot" I say bringing her to Brooke

"Hi sweetheart, I need you to breathe ok, let's get on this" the nurse says helping Brooke. "How far along are you" the nurse asks bringing her inside

"38 weeks" Brooke says crying

"Ok this baby needs to come out right now" the nurse says bringing us to a room

"What but she's not full term yet" I say worried

"The baby is fully developed at 38 weeks, baby should be fine, we need to get it out right now or she or the baby could die" the nurse says

"Yeah do it whatever you have to" I say

"We need to do an emergency C-section, do you wanna be awake" she says to Brooke. Brooke nods. "Page, OB" she says to another nurse

"Giving you pain medicine, you won't feel a thing" the nurse giving her the meds

"Can I stay with her" I ask

"Of course" the nurse says

After the C-section

So they did the surgery and got River but he wasn't crying and Brooke was losing a lot of blood, it looked like a murder sence.

"Why isn't he crying" I say taking my eyes of Brooke. "Why isn't he crying" I say a couple minutes later

Then he starts to cry while Brooke's monitors start beeping

"What's wrong with her what does that mean" I say trying to wake her up. "Brooke baby wake up please" I say to her as the doctors push me away

"Take her up to surgery I got him" the OB says

"No, no don't care take her please, she needs to see the baby" I say trying to go after them but I get held back

"Hey, hey look at me kid, they are going to try their best to save her but right now your son needs you" the OB says to me

"I can see him right" I say crying

"Yeah let's go" she says

"Hey little guy, oh my God, your so tiny" I say looking at River

"Do you wanna hold him" the doctor says

"Yeah" I sitting down

Then she puts him in my arms and he wraps his little hand around my fingers

"Hey River, it's your dad"

"Do you have anyone we can call for you" the doctor says

"Yeah my best friend, John B Routledge" I say not taking my eyes of River

"Alright" she says leaving the room

"I love you bubby so much and your momma loves you so much"

"Hey man" John B says a while later walking into the room

"Shh he's sleeping" I say looking up and putting a finger over my mouth

"Where's Brooke" Kie says quietly

"Oh she's in surgery, she lost a lot of blood their trying to see why" I say sadly looking at River

"Shit that's not good" John B says

"She'll be ok" I say unsure

"Can we hold him" Sarah says after a little while

"Yeah of course, it might wake him though" I say handing him to Sarah

"He looks like you JJ" she says

"He's definitely going to be your twin" Kie says looking over Sarah's shoulder

"Yeah Brooke was hoping he would, she hasn't seen him yet" I say sadly
"She will after her surgery, right guys" Sarah says

"Right" they all say

After her surgery

Me and are the pouges are sitting in the hospital room waiting for the doctor to come in and tell us about Brooke's surgery

"Hey guys" the doctor says walking into

"Are you the doctor, is she ok, can I see her" I say getting up

"Ok kid, let's talk outside" he says

"Is she ok, why are we talking outside" I say

"Sit down kid" he says sitting down

"Is she ok" I say sitting down crying knowing she's not

"I'm sorry kid we did everything we could she just lost to much blood, she was losing it faster then we putting it back there was nothing that we could have done, I'm sorry" he says

"No she can't be dead, she can't be, she didn't get to hold him, I love her, i can't do this by myself" I say standing up crying. "I wanna see her where is she" I say pushing him out of the way

"Kid she's gone, I'm sorry" he says grabbing me

"Let go of me asshole, you killed her" I say pushing him off and sitting on the floor

"She didn't get to hold or see him, she'll never she him and I'll see her again, I can't do this myself" I say crying

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