Chapter 5

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I watched as Giovanni leaned back on the chair and let his mum head fall back against the headrest, his hand snaked over my lap and held my limp hand in a firm grip.

I could only pray to god that me and Salma will still be alive by the end of this.


Giovanni said that both me and Salma won't be seeing each other  again until he can fully trust us not scheme anything. Sam decided to make a cruel joke about the bit, and to my surprise Giovanni didn't laugh at the joke. He left the pasta plate on the chair and took us back to 'our room' he was doing most of the work of keeping me on my feet. Right now, all I felt was a void of nothing. I wasn't sad, upset I just felt absolutely nothing.

Today will scar me for life, seeing that sadistic practice in play in these times is just horrifying.

He sat me down on the chair and I just stared at him with emotionless eyes, my body lax as I just given up on life. Giovanni sighed as he took off the mask and looked at my face, he threw the mask on the sofa and ran a hand through his hair "it had to be done, you can't leave me Holly" the way he sounded so sure of himself, almost as if he was convincing himself it was the right thing to do to us both.

It's kind of funny how I was willing to look past the absolute madman he was but was stopping at abusing women shows what kind of person I am. It's a sick way of thinking. Everything he is doing, everything he stands for is wrong how could I let myself think otherwise.

I said nothing as Giovanni let out a deep breath "I'm going to shower while you... get over this" with that Giovanni walked to the bathroom but kept the door slightly open and I heard the shower turn on. Even now, in this quiet room I'm still not alone. If I make a sound, he will hear it, if I cry the man would probably come running out here to see what's wrong, but then get mad if he sees me crying over what just happened. I let out a sigh and leaned my head back against the head rest of the sofa and just stared at the white ceiling. 

My thoughts are all over the place, I don't know what to do, or where I could turn to for help. I closed my eyes and the darkness take over my mind not that I would even dare to ask for help, Giovanni made sure that I was scared of even thinking about leaving him. The only option I have here, is to make sure that I stay strong, and not let Giovanni have what we desires the most. 

My heart , my love everything that I am I can't let him have it. 

Even then, I know my body will betray me at some point, my touched starved body will turn into a pool of nothing if Giovanni continues to treat me like.. I don't know someone that wants to give out love? I put an arm over my eyes, and let my body fall deeper into the sofa, I could feel the effects of today weighing down my body. I have no name that's normal for how he treats me, almost as if we've known each other for years and he is my lover. Stalker Giovanni is far from it. 

As a matter of fact, I am 100% sure that this co called 'love' that he feels for me is nothing more than a sick, sick obsession with wanting to own someone and he is confusing it with love. There is no way you would do this to someone you love

I let my body go lax, and I let the darkness invade my dreams. 


"too much...stopped" the voices were muffled as I slowly started to come back to reality, my eye stayed shut as the the fluffy duvet around me kept me safe and warm. My body stiffened when I recognised the voice. Sam. I'm going to carry on 'sleeping' and act like I'm dad to the world, I want to know what they were talking about. Keeping my breathing even and deep I listened. 

It sounded like someone was pacing "It was bad, Salma woke up twice from nightmares" Sam the creep sounded worried as I heard the pacing stop "How about Holly? was she okay?" Sam questioned, I was happy that half of my face was hidden I know me I would crack if someone stared at my face for too long. Giovanni sighed "she was twitching in her sleep but that's it" that surprised me, I don't even remember dreaming of anything.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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