Chapter 2

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I want dis guy to have the same body as Steve Rogers !!!

Please ignore any spelling mistakes 😊


This is my stalker, my body started to shut down, my eyes fluttered close and the spinning stopped. I was going to pass out, and I hoped to god I didn't wake up.

The last thing I remember is being picked up and cradled to a warm wide chest.



I was feeling so hot, my eyes were still closed but I could feel the sweat forming on the top of my skin. I frowned as I tried to move my body but it was like there was a stone sitting on my body. My mind was all over the place, where was I ? the sound of a TV playing in the background started to become more clear. The more I was waking up, the more  I become aware of everything around me.

I shoved my panic down the best that I could, as I could feel and hear a heart beating against my ear. I could feel the muscled body that I'm leaning on breath, I could feel the strong arms of my stalker  rest around my waist. I remember everything. I remember the patient in room 4 being the stalker, I remember that traitor Sam locking me in the room with this man. I wanted to cry when I remembered him sitting up, smiling at me with the gauze still wrapped around his eyes.

I think it's safer for me to pretend I was sleeping, rather than wake up and face this creep. Who apparently is  powerful enough to clear an entire ward, and even pay off Sam to help him. I think what made my heart sink, was thinking about Salma. It makes so much sense now, why she acting to anxious and why she was crying. She wasn't crying because of her family issues, she was crying because of what she was about to do to me. I had to hold in the tears at the thought that my only friend would betray me like this.

Maybe she didn't have a choice? I desperately thought, she might have been blackmailed?

The body underneath me moved, and I did my best to stay still. I felt the arms around my waist move to my underarms. I held in a yelp, as I felt my body being lifted slightly and my head was moved onto a shoulder. I squeezed my eyes shut when I let his warm hand snake under my t-shirt and caress my back. I kept my breathing steady as I decided to make the first move.

I ever so slowly opened my right eye which was away from his shoulder, I have a feeling the minute I open my left eye he will feel it. But if it's my right eye he won't feel my face move.

The first thing I noticed about the room, is that it's light. The walls were beige, my eye scanned the room there wasn't anything black in here my eyes looked down at the bed covers. These are white. If I knew anything about this stalker, it's that he likes dark
Colours so to see such bright ones is pretty shocking. I closed my eye fast when I felt his arm move from under my body. I decided to look one more time, with my right eye open my eye caught on to the movements. There was his hand, that had a very familiar tattoo of an Ace of spades on it. His thumb had a black ring around it and it was also caressing the volume button back and fourth.

"Dimmi, did you get everything?" The deep voice vibrates against my cheek, I slammed my right eye shut fast and tried to loom relaxed as possible which was pretty hard when his hand went over to the one place on body that I feel very self conscious about.

He went to my love handles and gave it  a gentle  squeeze. I but my lip and forced myself to stay still, nothing good will come from me screaming right now. I'm surprised I'm able to fake this calmness right now, I'm so scared. I've been kidnapped, and no one will do anything about. The whole hospital was working against me, to give me to this man.

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