Chapter 1

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The beginning to an end.

"What is this?" I pointed at the nasty looking sandwich, I looked at my friend Salma "That is not a prawn sandwich" I poked the outside of the packaging and watched as the..paste moved around. Salma's face soured as she watched me poke it " Look it's nasty on it's own, you don't need to be doing that to it" Salma shook her head and pointed at the other sandwiches "What about these? Cheese and onion....egg and cress" She cringed as she said the last part.

"You know having eggs make's me shit right? and not normal shitting. I mean shaking on the toilet seat, wanting to be sick as the same time kinda shit" I shook my body for extra effect and Salma slapped my arm "I get it we're friends but that's just to much information Holly" Salma scowled at me before she looked at her watch "Look hurry up and choose a damn sandwich our shift starts in 10 minutes" Salma looked at the queue before she looked back me "You know what, you can stay here and decide what you want, I'll be over here" she pointed at the line "and you can come join me if you've made up your mind by then"

She didn't even wait for a response, before I saw the back of her small figure speed walking to the line.

Me and Salma work at the local hospital as nurses, me and Salma were on the same course, happened to be placed in the same workplace and get guess what we happened to now be employed by the same company. A smile danced over my lips, if that isn't fate I don't know what is.  

I stopped smiling when I thought about how crazy work has been, both me and Salma have been working over time iN A&E. The A&E has been full of people on the brink of death. London has become a war zone, for the last 3 years now pure anarchy has ruled the streets, there is basically no law here and fights have been happening over territories, drugs women you name it. The increase of causalities here have been unholy. I've never seen much blood in my life in that waiting room.

We all know why London went downhill 3 years ago, and that is because of sicilian warlord Giovanni Di Salvo. What I like to call him is the Italian devil, came to the the UK and did what I call a hostile takeover, he owns the streets here. Drugs? his. Guns? his. He has everyone under his belt, the police can't and won't do anything because he owns them all. Ever so slowly he spread like a disease all across the UK, now you see junkies in every corner, waiting to get their next fix and god forbit anyone that tries to deal on his territory . He'd make an example out of you and there would be nothing you can do about it.

I'm scared to go home at times, only because Giovanni owns the land I live on, I have even heard rumours that he lives in the same apartment block as me. Which I think is a bunch of lies, why would live in place that is so crap, the lift doesn't work most of the time, its dirty, grimy and most of all the tenants here all have deep routed issues.  If he was going to live somewhere it would be anywhere but here. It makes me cringe knowing that my hard honest earned money, goes straight into the pockets of Giovanni. I work hard for my job and to earn an honest living, what does he do?

He deal and suppled drugs, and it's the hardcore stuff he deals and illegal weapons. That man is a monster.

He just so happens to be a monster that no one but his closest men know what he looks like. Like the tyrant he is, Giovanni

I picked up the cheese and onion sandwich and grimaced at the brown bread and threw it in my basket . Giovanni, or wait he likes to be called Mr Đi Salvo wears a mask that that only shows off his eyes but even then the pictures circulating the net, he has glasses on. There is one thing that I can't even deny, Giovanni is tall and I mean 6ft 7 kinda tall. I bit my lip as I looked at the drink selection.

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