Chapter 15

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Alya sat nervously watching the television; her phone placed in her lap and her fingers tapping on the screen every couple of seconds to make sure she hadn't missed a call, or a message... or anything.

Checking the clock again, she turned her attention from studying her phone to looking at the doorway; as neither sprung to life she once again worried about her roommate.

Marinette hadn't spoken to her since their confrontation earlier that morning. The silence had become unnerving and unusual between the two of them and Alya knew she was completely to blame. But, still, Marinette should be back by now then they could sort this out. The 'date' with Frederick happened over an hour ago — was she really that angry that she wasn't coming back?

A small spark of hope ignited in her gut. Perhaps she'd gone to speak to Adrien and confess? But then a spritz of water doused the light. Maybe she was quietly moving her belongings back to her parents' bakery — unable to live with her friend's betrayal? And who could blame her?

A sudden buzz in her lap had the phone emitting a bright glow making her fumble to pick it up and check the ID of her texter. Alya's heart deflated as she read the name.


Typing out a quick reply, she let her boyfriend know she was busy working for the rest of the evening, and if she finished early she'd give him a call.

Before sending, she quickly added an additional question to the end of the message.


Have you heard from Adrien today? <3

The reply from her boyfriend arrived in seconds, wishing her luck before stating what she already knew — Adrien had gone awol.

Standing up, she headed towards the kitchen, set on grabbing another cup of coffee. She wouldn't be sleeping tonight, so why not load herself up with the caffeinated joys of her favourite drink as she tried to come up with a plan to fix her mess.

Never in her life had she felt so hateful towards herself; she could only imagine how Marinette/Ladybug — her best friend and idol — felt about her at the moment; and if she was being honest, she wasn't entirely sure they could get past this.

Alya needed to come up with some sort of tremendous plan which would validate Marinette's outing with Frederick along with proving Marinette's love for Adrien. But who was she kidding? A simple plan wouldn't work this time. She needed to woman up and tell the truth. She needed to head straight to Adrien's place and beg for forgiveness on both their parts.

Her first thought was to contact Adrien straight away. She could make sure he knew it was her idea for Marinette to go out with Frederick; that Marinette had nothing at all to do with it. But that would only open the question as to why Marinette hadn't cancelled the date.

The next thought was to write a retraction on the Ladyblog; saying she'd written Ladybugs latest blog and that she shouldn't have posted it. But that wouldn't do her future career much help. She would become a laughing stock, dragging Marinette down with her.

Finally, she decided to just wait until Marinette came back and then they could decide the next move from there — together . She was sure Marinette would have sorted it with Frederick, that way Adrien would never have to find out and they could head to their little island, get married and have their three kids... or was it four? Anyway, she trusted her friend, she trusted Marinette had got this and that they could come up with a plan together. Ayla was ready to do anything. Anything.

Moving back to her laptop she noticed an influx of emails sent directly to the Ladyblog. With a sigh, she began to sieve through them; comments on the different Ladybug posts, more updates on a possible interview with Nadja Chamack and a video taken ten minutes ago.

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