Chapter 3

366 28 8

@(Un)LuckyLady 🐞 [1]

Dear Buginettes,

Five years ago I had my first taste of a relationship. I was young and burdened with so many responsibilities the relationship ended before it truly began. I haven't had one since.

It's been a long and winding road to get to this point, but now, as I approach my 20s, I'm inviting you all on a journey with me; a journey of discovery, confidence, and (hopefully) love. So for the next few weeks, I've set myself a mission to find and date a guy who will make my world spin.

As an ordinary citizen of Paris, I do not own the luck of my super alter ego. I don't get the guys, I don't get the longing looks or the flirting, I barely get a second glance, and those I'm lucky enough to get interest from struggle with my extracurricular activities. In other words, like many of the girls in Paris, I chose the wrong guy.

So here it is, my dating blog and I invite all you single ladies (and gentlemen) out there to join along with me to find love in the city which is made for it. The journey starts now...

Yesterday, I decided what I want from a prospective partner and where I could find someone with similar time constraints as myself.

I invite all you out there who are looking for love, to think about who you want your significant other to be.

Don't want someone who parties a lot? Then don't look in a club.

Want someone who loves to ice skate? Then, take some trips down to the rink.

It starts now...


Guy's interested: 0

Guy's numbers: 0

Dates Planned: 0

Dates Completed: 0

Hits: 2

Posted 30 seconds ago


"Wow! It's like reading Bridget Jones' Diary."

"I'm telling you now, no one in their right mind is going to want to read this!" Marinette exhaled, moving towards the kitchen and the kettle; she needed another mint tea.

After the previous day's planning session, Marinette had spent most of the night writing up her first entry for the blog under her new account name: (Un)LadyLuck; she just prayed a little of that 'Ladybug luck' rubbed off into her civilian life. She needed it now more than ever.

As she'd pieced together her blog post the previous evening, she'd worn her delete button out typing then retyping the same sections over and over again. After her discussions with Alya, Marinette had decided to keep her whereabouts as vague as possible. After all, she didn't want the people of Paris to start a mass hunt for Ladybug.

"Then obviously there's a lot of people not in their right mind because the hit count is quadrupling by the second."

Marinette almost broke the mug as she slammed it down on the countertop before heading over to Alya and jumping beside her on the sofa. She looked over her friend's shoulder at Alya's smartphone, and low and behold, the hit count was jumping numbers left, right, and centre.

2 had become 8.

8 became 20.

30 became 72.

72 became 116.

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