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loak and miyo were arguing.Like Truly arguing.It was so bad they had to go in the forest by how loud they were screaming at one another."you the one always thinking your smarter then me dumbass-sit down loak!" Miyo interrupted the shorter boy."even though your the one whos always doing dumb shit-SIT THE FUCK DOWN NOW" Miyo screams furiously.Loak gasps as he sits on the forest floor immediately.His lip trembles.He had never been yelled at like that.Miyo kneels in front of Loak." just need some discipline" Miyo says."all it takes is one scream and your trembling on the floor" Miyo laughs.Loak was generally hurt by the scream.He refused to make eye contact with miyo.His ears were down signaling he was sad but he had a mad expression.Miyo got closer to loaks face.Loak looked away angrily."look at me" Miyo says."LOOK AT ME" He yells again making Loak flinch."ALRIGHT I AM" Loak yelled back as he looked at Miyo.Tears now threatening to fall down his face.He looked up at him with anger sadness and defeat all mixed into one."i don't like to yell.But you don't like to listen.So it's gonna have to happen" He says as loak looks at him.Tears now falling."your an asshole" Loak says as tears fall."and your a bitch" Miyo says."your a-shut up" Miyo stops loak."im leaving" Loak says as he was about to stand."you stand up and i pin you to a tree and leave you here all night" Miyo says.Loak rolls his eyes.He stays down."whatever this attitude is it needs to leave.We reef people do not behave like this-Fuck you reef people" Loak interrupts."HEY!"Miyo yells.Loak gasps.He whimpers scarily."YOU DO NOT SPEAK OF MY PEOPLE LIKE THAT" Miyo yells in Loaks face.Loak begins sobbing."ALRIGHT IM SORRY IM SORRY" Loak yells and sobs as he looks down at the floor.Tears falling onto the ground.Hes been sitting so long on his knees they were now bruised.Miyo takes a deep breath."i do not understand.You say bad things and yell at people.But get scared when they do it back" Miyo wonders."Loak continues crying."fuck" Miyo mumbles.He goes to his knees."alrigjt im sorry im sorry" Miyo speaks as he hugs loak.Loak immediately hugs him.In desperate need of physical touch and comfort."you like hugs eh?" The reef boy says."mhm" Loak hums."im sorry for being an asshole" Loak apologizes quietly."i am sorry for scaring you" Miyo grins.They let go.Loaks ears slowly rise.His tail begins waging uncontrollably.He looks back at it.So does e  lmiyo."hm.excited?"Miyo grins.Loak chuckles nervously.His tail was going crazy."fuck." Loak says as he tries to grab it."shit..stop" Loak mumbles to his tail.He eventually grabs it."aww you looked cute with your little tail"Miyo says as he reaches his hand out for Loaks long tail.He softly strokes it."o-oh wow" Loak pants."sensitive tail eh?" Miyo smiles.Loaks tail began vibrating.He began purring as Miyo didnt stop."what does it mean when you vibrate and purr?"Miyo asks."i-it means...we-h-hah..ha~" Loak begins to moan."s-stop...miyo~" Loak moans.Miyo feels his cheeks turns red as Loak continues moaning his name.Loak couldn't control himself.Miyo stopped.Loak pants."fuck" Loak oanfs.
Loak and Miyo were walking back to the tribe."where have you guys been" Kiri asks."i was showing him the forest" Loak says.Kiri eyed miyo.Miyos eyes began red.Kiri gasps before walking away."Is she human?" Miyo asks Loak."Uhh sort of" Loak says."alright i gotta get h-" Before Loak could finish he was turned around and kissed softly."mm" Loak moans.He places his hands on miyos neck.Miyos hands on his waist.."fuck" Loak pants.They disconnect.Loak looks up at him.Miyo grins."bye loak" He says as he walks away.Loak feels his face turn a darker blue."bye" He whispers.

"Who was that" Neteyam says from behind.

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