Chapter 21

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*Rita's POV*

I was in my office working on a few things when there was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," I said.

Seconds later, the door opened and Jane from Creative poked her head in.

"Mrs. Anoa'i, can we have a word with you?" she asked.

We? Who's we?

"Yeah sure," I said before she stepped fully into the room followed by Stephanie McMahon.

"Rita," Stephanie greeted.

I just nodded and smiled. Both ladies took a seat opposite me. I sat and waited for one of them to start.

"Well you know we're taking our annual European tour in two weeks and of course the Talent Relations team is going but, I see you declined the trip. May I ask why?" Jane started.

I inwardly sighed.

Jane, I can't tell you that I really really want to go but I can't go without Joe. But I cannot pretend things are good between us just because we're in Paris. That's why I'm not going. Because I dislike my husband right now. 

I had to come up with something quick.

"Jane, I have so much paperwork to catch up on. I was already behind when we took that trip to Germany. Going to Paris would really throw me behind on things. I'll just have to catch the trip next year," I explained.

Jane just nodded. Stephanie looked to be thinking. Her gaze was intense and I could definitely tell she was a McMahon.

"You need an assistant. This is to much work for one person. I'll send out a bulletin today. We can start interviewing applicants by the beginning of next week. I'm pretty sure we can find you an assistant before the trip," Stephanie finally spoke.

I sat a bit dumbfounded. I blinked as few times, as Jane expressed what a great idea that was. I slightly shook my head.

What the hell? How did she get 'assistant' out of what I just said?

"Okay," was all that fell from my lips.

Both ladies stood up. We shook hands before they walked out of my office. I sat there trying to wrap my mind around what had just happened. Feeling a bit hungry, I headed to catering. I could hear the chatter and clammering of noise coming from down the hall & could tell catering was in full swing. As I got closer to the entrance, I had familiar laughs. I instantly recognized Joe's laughter. It was a sound I hadn't heard in awhile and it made me want to see the bright smile on his face. I speed up a bit so I could see it.

As I rounded the corner I was stopped dead in my tracks. I got to see the beautiful bright smile of my husband along with his parents and. . . . my mom.

I just stared at the brown skinned short woman smiling and laughing with my husband and in-laws. She was holding Jasmine in her arms while Emmie was sitting on her lap. Both girls looked to be very content in their grandmother's arms. There were other superstars and divas around as everyone looked to be enjoying her company. I could feel the lump of emotions form in my throat. It had been so long since I saw my mom. Sika was the first to notice me. He smiled as he tapped my mom and pointed in my direction.

Nikki picked up Emmie as Roman grabbed Jasmine from my mom. She smiled as she stood up and walked over to me. We didn't say anything, we just hugged each other tight. I truly missed this woman and I never wanted to let her go. We finally pulled back as we smiled at each other.

"I missed you so much," I told her softly.

"I've missed you too," she said before she slapped my arm.

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