Chapter 23: Scopaesthesia

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Gabriella and Goltač left the bedroom they had entered through the secret passage. They ended up in a hallway of similar decor, with blue cloth everywhere. There were windows in the hall, overlooking the hill the mansion was atop. "If only we knew where she was..." Gabriella said, "I suppose we'll just have to look around. Perhaps there are some signs." Goltač replied. They did exactly that, wandering the halls with no indication of where to go. After passing through a few of them, however, they heard voices ahead. They stopped at a corner, peeking around it. Two Mercenaries were talking back and forth, one male, the other female. "Anwir sure has the east wing locked up tight, huh? I heard the only way in now is through the garden." The Male asked, "Yeah...I guess he's anxious that someone's gonna get to his pets..." The Female answered, "Or he's anxious that his pets are gonna get out..." The Male said, "Something like that. He seems anxious about everything. I heard he's been trying to hire that Woman for more security." The Female responded, "The hot one?" The Male asked, "Yeah, the scarlet-haired one." The Female answered, "...Her hair's a reddish-orange..." The Male said, "Well it's not my fault I'm fucking colorblind." The Female replied. Seeing as the conversation was taking a different turn, Goltač led Gabriella away from that hall. "So he keeps his 'pets' in the east wing..." Gabriella said, "It would seem so. And it seems the only way in is through the garden..." Goltač responded, "I think I know what they're talking about. I saw it out a window earlier." Gabriella said, "Do you know where it is?" Goltač asked, "I think so...follow me." Gabriella answered. She led him through the halls until eventually, they reached their destination. Outside the windows, a large garden could be seen. The garden appeared to be a maze of hedges. 

"A wonder that's the only way to the east wing..." Gabriella said, "You don't sound very confident." Goltač responded, "I'm...really bad at mazes." Gabriella responded, "We'll find a way through, don't worry. But now we have to find our way to the maze." Goltač said, "Well, this wing doesn't seem very guarded. We should be able to make it in no time. Of course...we could also climb down from here." Gabriella responded, " would be risky, but if that is what you wish to do, then so be it." Goltač said, "I don't think there's anyone in the maze...we should be good." Gabriella replied. With that, she unlocked the window and opened it. The mansion's walls had a bricked design, making plenty of footholds and grips to use for climbing. Once they reached the bottom, they found themselves at the entrance to the maze. "Well...I hope you're good at mazes..." Gabriella said, "I know a thing or two." Goltač responded. All of the sudden, Gabriella felt...uncomfortable. "I-Is it just me...or...are we being watched...?" She asked. The feeling wasn't going away. Someone or something was watching them. "Stay vigilant...I have a feeling we won't be alone in the maze." Goltač said. With that, he led her inside. After a few moments, they took their first right turn, the exit disappearing from sight. Yet, even so, the feeling of being watched remained. The sun had sunk beneath the horizon, making way for the moon. It was dark, and misty to boot. The air was filled with an eerie atmosphere. A chill ran down Gabriella's spine as the hair on the back of her neck stood up. 

"This is...really creepy." She said, "Hmm." Goltač flippantly responded, "H-How long do you think we'll be here?" Gabriella asked, "I have no idea." Goltač answered, "We won't get lost, right?" Gabriella asked, "No." Goltač answered, "A-Are you sure? It's pretty misty, we could get-" Goltač cut her off by holding his hand up haltingly, "Remain calm, Princess. Assuming there are only two exits to this maze, I will get us to our destination." He said. With that, he put his hand against the hedges on his right. "Wh-What are you doing?" Gabriella asked, "A trick I learned once. If you place your hand against one side of the maze and follow it without taking it off, then you will find the exit. It may be the longest path possible, but you will find a way out." Goltač answered, "L-Let's get going, then. I don't wanna stay in here any longer than I have to..." Gabriella said. They began moving through the maze once more, though they couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. "Why do I still feel like we're being watched?" Gabriella asked, "Because we are being followed." Goltač answered, " what? They haven't attacked us yet...could it be an animal of some kind?" Gabriella asked, "It's possible..." Goltač answered. At that moment, rustling in the hedges behind them could be heard! They both whirled around, drawing their weapons! A rabbit ran out from the hedges on the right, stopping in the middle of the path. After a few seconds passed, it ran off through the hedges on the left. Gabriella let out a sigh of relief. "Maybe that little guy was the one watching us?" She asked, "Perhaps...I don't feel any eyes on us right now. Though it seems strange for a rabbit to have followed us all this way." Goltač answered. Gabriella felt uneasy, though they had no choice but to continue. 

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