Chapter 18: The Ties That Bind Us

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Albedo and Kei had just exited the tunnel in the bandit camp. They found the freed slaves waiting for them, along with the others. To their surprise, however, someone else was there. Standing in front of a large group of bodies was Goltač. An unexpected arrival. The bodies belonged to Bandits Albedo and the others did not kill, suggesting that he did it - if his bloody sword was not suggestive enough. He had it tip down to the ground, one hand on the hilt and the other on the pommel. "Ah, Grandmaster Albedo. I did not expect to find you here." He said, "Goltač? What are you doing here...?" Albedo asked. Goltač waved at the dead Bandits surrounding him. "The same as you, I suspect." He answered, "I didn't know you were the hero type." Albedo said, "Destroying this camp was in my best interest. The Bandits controlling it were remnants of a sworn enemy of Imperium. With their deaths, so many others may rest in peace." He replied, "Imperium...that's your homeland, right?" Albedo asked, "No, Imperium is the cause and Kingdom I have served under for many years. I came here to stop these Bandits and their operations, though it seems you already handled most of that. It seems there were quite a few slaves here...I could lead them to safety, seeing as you've already done most of the work." Goltač answered. Reina stepped forward. "No thanks. We've already got shelter for them." She said, "So be it. Then I shall take my leave." Goltač responded, raising his sword. He sheathed it and walked off. Albedo was a bit confused about his presence there. Who was this sworn enemy of Imperium? And...what was Imperium? She knew Imperium was a group dedicated to stopping the artifact, but what else was it? Who was involved? Where did it come from? It seemed she would have to settle for what she already knew, as Goltač was already gone. 

All of the sudden, Sammy burst out of the tunnel! She landed on both feet, carrying the mother in her arms. "Where's the kid?" Albedo asked, "Hey, just cause I'm a Demon doesn't make me that physically capable. I can't carry two people, especially when one is making themselves dead weight..." Sammy answered, setting the mother down on the floor. Marin rushed over to wrap a blanket over her while Sammy pulled the kid out of the tunnel. She picked the mother back up and opened a portal. "All aboard?" She asked, "You wanna make sure you aren't gonna drop us into the fucking clouds this time?" Reina asked in response, "I'm seventy-five percent sure I'm not." Sammy answered. Reina sighed. "If I die, no one touches my drumset!" She exclaimed, diving into the portal. A comedic thud could be heard on the other side, followed by a loud "fuck!" Marin stepped through the portal a moment later, followed by Iana. "It's safe to go through." Sammy said. With that, the freed slaves carefully approached it. The portal flickered, causing them to jolt back! "Sorry! It's hard to keep it stable. Maybe uh...go one at a time so there aren't any accidental dismemberments." Sammy said, "That can happen?!" Albedo asked. Sammy shrugged. "Eheh...yeah." She answered. The freed slaves made their way through the portal in a single file line. Once they were all through, Sammy walked up to the portal, followed by the kid. "Let's go." She said. They both walked through, tailed by Albedo and Kei. Once everyone was through, the portal closed. They were in front of a large set of lodges in the Twilight Covenant city. The Green-Eyed Girl looked around cautiously. "A-Are we" She asked, "No one will get you here. And you're free to leave if you ever desire it, miss...?" Sammy stopped herself, requesting her name. 

The Green-Eyed Girl looked away solemnly. "I...I don't have a name..." She said, "Oh...I'm...sorry." Sammy responded. She took a gentle step towards her. "We could...give you one." She said. The Green-Eyed Girl's eyes widened. "L-Like what...?" She asked. Iana stepped forward, surprising everyone. "What about 'Ula?'" She asked. The Girl looked at her with bewilderment. "I...I like it...what does it mean...?" She asked, "It means 'gem of the sea.' You may not be a Mermaid or Nereid...but it's what came to mind." Iana answered. The Girl seemed to like it. "'Ula.' It sounds...nice. Thank you for giving me a name...I'm afraid I have nothing to give back..." She said, "It's okay. I'm just glad you're safe from those Bandits now, Ula." Iana replied. Ula bowed thankfully. Sammy took another gentle step forward. "Well...Ula, you and your company can stay in these lodges. There are other freed slaves here...they'll help you get settled in." She said, "Thank you...I...I can't thank you enough, really..." Ula responded, "You don't have to thank us at all." Sammy said, "I-If it's alright...I'll take my leave..." Ula replied. Sammy nodded. "Of course." She said. Ula bowed once more, before walking off towards the lodges with her company. Marin went with them to help them get settled in. Sammy took a deep breath, realizing she was still holding the mother! The kid was standing at her side patiently. "Ah, man! I've still gotta take these two in there! I'll help them get settled in. See you guys later!" She exclaimed, "Huh? Oh. See you later." Reina responded. Albedo and Kei cautiously waved goodbye to her as she walked off. " are we gonna get back now...?" Albedo asked, "There are more people than them that can help you out. Including me!" Reina answered, "You...can open portals?" Albedo asked. 

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