Chapter 13: United, We Are One

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Gabriella and Lucille approached Illicen on horseback. Illicen was the closest Kingdom to Celestia, so they were headed there to seek their aid first. They were surprised, however, when they found themselves looking over the battlefield. A large force of Goblins and Kobolds were facing down Reina, Marin, and their Twilight Covenant Warriors. However, Damian and the Celestial Knights were flanking the Goblins and Kobolds, tearing through them like nothing. Sammy's plan worked like a charm. Without the siege weapons assaulting the field they had little difficulty killing the large force. Gabriella looked around in confusion. "What's going on...?" She asked. Lucille was uneasy, looking at Marin and Reina. "I recognize those two...Moona's lapdogs..." She said. Gabriella gritted her teeth at the sight of them. Before she could say anything, a portal opened in front of the gates. Moona stepped out, spreading her arms dramatically. "Well done! Well done, all! Victory is ours! I am proud of each and every one of you!" She exclaimed. The Warriors on the field cheered out merrily, celebrating their victory. "Furthermore! We have secured peace with Illicen! We are welcome here from now on! United, we are one!" Moona exclaimed, to the raucous applause and cheering of the Covenant. She dropped her arms, smiling at the sight of their joy. Her smile faded, however, when her eyes landed on Gabriella and Lucille. "Well, isn't this a wonderful surprise? I'm afraid you're a little late to join the battle. Though I appreciate the thought." She said. Rage was filling Gabriella's heart. "What are you doing here?" She asked. 

Moona waved at the battlefield in an overdramatic manner. "I thought that was pretty obvious. Goblins and Kobolds gathered an army to attack Illicen. We helped them stop it, with the help of Albedo and Celestia, of course." She answered, "Grandmaster Albedo is here...?" Lucille asked, "She's somewhere around here, yes." Moona answered. Lucille looked around at the battlefield, trying to spot her. Gabriella, on the other hand, refused to take her eyes off Moona. "So what?! You're lying to Illicen too?! Promising them peace so you can burn their Kingdom down?! Just like you're doing to Celestia?! Just like you did to Arvan?!" She asked, "Why would I do that? In case you've forgotten, we offered you peace and you chose war. Then when you lost you cried to Celestia for help. And now you're crying to me because you aren't getting what you want. I offered you peace and you slapped my hand away." Moona answered, "So now you're just living peacefully?! After burning my Kingdom to the ground?! Now everything's all sunshine and rainbows?!" Gabriella asked, "Hey, I'm just living. That doesn't mean I'm living happily. And believe me, you definitely aren't bringing any sunshine here." Moona answered, "You don't deserve sunshine, bitch..." Gabriella said. Moona rolled her eyes. "Do you ever do anything other than complain? Have you ever done anything for anyone? sat in your room, all day, high up in the castle suckling off daddy's bosom full of money and power. And now that you have to come down and walk in the mud all you can do is cry about it, and come complain to me like the spoiled brat you are." She replied. 

Gabriella was speechless. She didn't know how to respond. "Hey...lesson learned, right? Maybe if you weren't banging the bodyguard...daddy would still be alive." Moona said. Gabriella said nothing...but she didn't need to. Her rage was clear. "Oof...I'm sorry, that was insensitive." Moona said. She turned to look at Lucille. "Was that insensitive?" She asked. Lucille didn't respond, clearly discontent with her words. Moona shrugged, looking back at Gabriella. "I didn't mean that. I mean...he still had other bodyguards you hadn't whored yourself out to yet-" Before Moona could finish, Gabriella sprinted at her menacingly! At that moment, Sammy dropped out of the sky to stop her! She stood in the way, blocking her off. "Not one step closer." She said. Gabriella took a step forward, ignoring her warning. "I'm not afraid of you, Demon." She responded. Sammy stepped right up to Gabriella, summoning all her height. She looked down at her, sending chills down her spine. "You will be." Before things could escalate any further, Moona stepped between them. "Hey, easy. We're allies to Celestia, and so is Arvan for some reason. Therefore we're all friends here." She said. She looked at Gabriella, meeting her rage-filled gaze. "...Whether we like it or not." She said, "You will never be my friend." Gabriella replied, "Wow, way to hold a grudge. If it makes you feel any better: I'm sorry. It's been a long day and...I shouldn't have said those things." Moona said, "I'll never forgive you...for anything you've done!" Gabriella responded, "Okay, now you're really the only one in this argument. Well, you can pretend to have an argument with me in the shower or something. I've got places to be and people to see." Moona said, walking away. She motioned for Sammy to follow. "Sammy, a word if you will." She said. Sammy followed her, leaving them alone. 

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