Chapter Eleven - Little Songbird

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~~~ Now playing: Animal by Sir Chloe ~~~

~~~Play/Pause ~~~

Third POV:

Upon hearing the argument between her two friends, Amethyst ran. She ran as far as she could before breaking down into tears in a park. The rain was pouring and she was immediately soaked.

The girl curled up into a ball and cried heavily into her jacket, hiccuping. Moments passed and Amethyst got up. She looked down into a puddle of water that was growing on the ground and saw her reflection in it.

Long, black hair was sticking out at odd angles, the rain water dripping off it. Her purple eyes were bloodshot and weepy, her under eyes sore and red. The butterfly clips that she had in her hair were slipping out from the rain pouring on her head.

I'm a mess, she thought to herself.

"Hey, what are you doing out here in the rain, kid?"

Amethyst turned around in shock, recognising that voice.

"Ha-Hazaki?" She sniffled, shocked that he was out here too.

"Oh. It's you. What you doing out here in the rain, little bluebird? Don't you know you'll catch a cold?" Haizaki asked, sauntering over.

"I... Um... I got lost." She replied hesitantly, not wanting to reveal anything to a guy she'd just met, let alone a guy who seemed as creepy as the guy from her school in England who ended up sending a bunch of his dong pictures to the girls in her friend group.

"Lost huh? Well you're clearly lyin' but I won't push any further. Let's get you out of this rain. Sound good?"

Amethyst nodded, glad that he didn't push any farther.

"What's your name then, little bluebird?"


"That's a pretty name. Strange though. Name of that precious stone, right?"


"Not much of a talker, I see. That's cool. I don't mind keeping the conversation up."

Amethyst did not reply. She only sneezed.


"Gee, look, you're already sneezing. Let's get you into this cafe here. Getcha a nice cup of tea."

Amethyst looked up with stars in her eyes when tea was mentioned. How typically British.

"Yeah, you like that? Tea it is then. Here, take my jacket, little bluebird."

"Why... Why do you keep calling me that?" Amethyst said, screwing her eyebrows up in confusion and shrugging on the boy's jacket. "Little bluebird. I'm not little. Or a bluebird either, but I'm not little."

"I mean.. You are kinda short. But I dunno really. You just remind me of a bluebird with the uniform and that." Haizaki shrugged. "I owned a bluebird once, when I was a little kid. She was full of poise and grace. I guess you remind me of her like that. Cos you're all graceful and that."

"I see."

Haizaki ordered a cup of tea and some hot cross buns for the two to share. They sat at a table in the corner of the cafe, closest to the radiator for Amethyst to warm up.

"What do you do in your spare time?" Haizaki asked around a mouthful of hot cross buns.

"I play music."

Vivacious Azalea ~ KNB X OCWhere stories live. Discover now