Chapter Seven - Like a Gazelle

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~~~ Now playing: To The Bone by J.T Machinima ~~~

~~~Play/Pause ~~~

Third POV:

Aomine stood dumbfounded. He hadn't played against someone who played with their eyes closed before!

The aura in the air shifted.

Amethyst looked up, stopping with the ball in her hands at the half-of-court line. Aomine still stood by his place at the net. There was no way she could shoot from there. It was impossible (except for Midomida, of course. But she wasn't him!) There was no way she could get it in.

She looked directly into his eyes, her own still closed.

He shivered.

The girl opened her eyes.

Rather than their usual purple hues, they were a whitish-grey now, her black pupils standing out in a contrast.

Aomine shivered again.

He hadn't seen anything like this! What was happening?

Then he heard the sound of a basketball clattering from behind him.

He spun round, seeing the basketball bouncing on the floor and the net of the hoop dancing from the movement of the ball in the hoop.

"Keep your eyes on your opponent at all times. Don't let your guard down. You're overconfident." Amethyst said, her voice hard. She had seemingly no emotion.

Aomine was still stunned. He nodded and picked the ball up, ready to make a fast break.

Amethyst took a deep breath and took on a defensive stance. She stood crouched slightly, her eyes on the boy in front of her.
He ran past her quickly and took the formation of a shot.

Without a ball in his hands.

Amethyst stole it, matching his speed and calculating his route.

She stole the ball, running back past him and to the hoop, scoring another.

Aomine tried the same tactic twice more and lost the ball twice more.

It was 3-3.

Two more shots for the either of them and they would win.

Aomine was panting, breathing heavily and sweating. Amethyst however, had no signs of any type of hardship. Except a singular piece of hair out of place, that was.

"How? How do you keep doing that?!"

"Patience, my friend. Keep playing. Let's finish this game." Amethyst threw the ball at him.

Grimmly, Aomine caught the ball and got into a run and gun style position. He would try his formless shot, he thought. Yes, she wouldn't be able to stop that, would she? No one could.

He ran at her, faking to the left which she fell for. Her eyes widened as she realised he was faking, and she tried to catch up - but was too late. Aomine was already leaping in the air, set up in his formless shot form. He threw the ball in.

It was 4-3 now.

One more basket and he would win.

He tossed the ball to Amethyst, picking it up after he landed back on the safety of the ground.

She nodded. Her face was unreadable.

Aomine took position.

Amethyst stood with the ball in her hands.

Then she shot.

From the other end of the court.

The ball went in with ease. Aomine stood shocked. How could she reach with such precise aiming from there? It was impossible! Not even Midomida could do that! (Nah, not yet anyway boo.)

It was 4-4.

Aomine had the ball.

He tried his hardest to shoot, but whenever he did, he would get blocked. Amethyst seemed to level up, not speaking, not blinking, not even breathing with every shot he took.

He failed six times.

Amethyst snatched the ball up and sped to the other side of the court, her black hair fluttering in the wind.

It was over before it began. Aomine caught up to her but wasn't able to steal the ball. Amethyst took a giant leap and dunked the ball in with a thundering crash.

She was like a gazelle.

The game was over.

Amethyst had won.

"How did you... How did you do that? No one has been able to beat me in one-on-one!"

The girl stood silent, her head looking at the ground. She had her eyes closed again.

Aomine felt worried. He shivered again, just about to reach out when the girl in front of him snapped her head up.

Her eyes were back purple again.

She was normal. She was back to her normal self.

"I simply calculated what you were going to do. I merely predicted the future of your actions. I let you have those first three baskets so you would feel over-confident in your abilities. I also used that time to observe you. Then I replicated what you did, it was pretty easy to pick up. And I played like I normally would for the rest."

"What about those shots?! The ones from half-court and the other end of the court! Those weren't normal shots!"

"I have... a large range." Amethyst shrugged, not bothering to explain it. "I haven't met anyone else who can do it yet, other than Midomida today - though, he cannot shoot from the range I can. Not yet anyway. When I saw you guys play, I saw that there were things that you all needed to improve on. I took it upon myself to, well, teach you some of it just now. Once you master these things, you'll be unstoppable."

"I see."

The two picked up their things and began to walk that short way home. Before Aomine said goodbye to Amethyst at her door, at eight in the night, he grabbed her arm and said:

"Join our basketball team. We need you as a player. Join us."

Amethyst just laughed and said goodbye. The door was shut on the blue haired boy who began to walk to his own house.

Inside her house though, Amethyst was grinning. She had felt a rush that she hadn't felt in years playing that match. It was the most she had felt in years. She wanted to experience that again.

"I will." She whispered, laughing at herself for being insane enough to hold a conversation with herself.

"I'll join you."

Heyyy, what did you think of that?

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I am aware, you can't subscribe on here guys. I am aware. But it just feels a bit odd without a third thing on the end. Plus it's a little joke between my friends and I thought I would chuck it in.

Hope you enjoyed!



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