Chapter Three - Stone Beauty

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~~~ Now playing: The Other Side of Paradise by Glass Animals ~~~

~~~Play/Pause ~~~

Third POV:

For the next week or so, Amethyst and Midomida had been inseparable. It was funny, really, such a withdrawn, smart guy being friends with what the students of Teiko Middle School had branded her as "The Immovable Force". He spent the day talking to what was essentially a brick wall. She seemed to hardly ever respond to him, but when she did, the members of her classes seemed to crane their necks to hear her soothing voice.

She sounded like a glorious bird song. It was as if the night sky had melted, and was converted into her voice. It was hard, rocky, a sound that shook the teenagers' very cores, but a sound that they all immediately craved once she had stopped talking. Her voice lilted with every word she said, a song fit for the angels. She was gorgeous.

And they were scared of her.

Stone beauty.

That's what they all called it.

Amethyst Azalea's face was always one schooled into a mask of imperfect perfection. Unreadable. Stone-hard. But one that puts the features of gorgeous models to shame. Her stunning eyes flitted around the room, fluttering like butterflies in the wind. Constantly surveying the situation, constantly narrowed. The purple hues of them were soft, despite her dark demeanour. They stood out on her otherwise pale porcelain face. Amethyst's dark lashes drooped, always gazing at the ground or lifting to glare at the people who were unluckily-lucky enough to pass her by. Her full lips pursed whenever she walked, whenever she sat, all the time simply. The dark haired girl had a habit of biting her lower lip when she was deep in thought, and that just made the males (and some of the females, too) of the class want to kiss her at that moment. Amethyst Azalea is The Immovable Force. She is an angel sent down from Heaven, but she is also the Devil.

When anyone looked at her in the eyes, they knew that they wouldn't be able to look away. It was dancing with the Devil. A dance that they all wished to be a part of.

They looked on in envy and in fear. Envy, for she was able to walk next to Midomida. Fear, for the girl who walked next to him was terrifying.

They all had mixed opinions, all in all. Those who had short, hushed conversations with her walked away briskly, telling their friends about the intimidating undertone she had, along with the things she'd implied, thought she was a delinquent, but a gorgeous one at that. And those who were on the other end of the spectrum - those who thought that she was plainly a cold angel on Earth.

Yes, very different opinions, I'd say.

Amethyst and Midomida walked down the corridor. He was chattering to her about the item in his hand, an oversized, comically large, orange scallop shell. The girl listened intently.

"It's my lucky item for the day. Cancer is number one today." The green haired man said.

"I see." Came the reply from the girl beside him. She listened with great interest. She personally didn't believe in star signs or any of that zodiac shit but Midomida's interest in it made her smile. Especially when he got such odd looks from the people around them from the items that he carried.

"I have basketball practice after school today. I won't be able to walk home with you."

It was a habit that the both had lapsed into. Walking home together; the male making sure that the female got in safely, the female enjoying the male's company. They often walked home in a comfortable silence. It was a routine, and neither would change it for the world.

"I see."

He stopped walking, grabbing Amethyst by her arm. He looked down at her and pushed his glasses up with his free hand.

"Do... Do you want to come along?" Midomida asked. A light blush dusted his cheeks. "Not-not that I care, nandayo!"

The girl thought for a moment. What has she got on? Nothing, like always. She would just go home, cook for herself and her brother and revise. Yeah, she was free.

"I'll come." But there was an unspoken conversation between them both.

I'll teach you basketball.

Let me play basketball with you.

Shorter chapter today guys, sorry! Basically a filler.



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