Chapter Nine - Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

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~~~ Now playing: We Don't Have to Dance by Andy Black ~~~

~~~Play/Pause ~~~

Third POV:

The match was going according to plan.

They swapped out Midomida for Haizaki and the captain for Kuroko, just as Amethyst predicted. The girl was handling the former and Akashi well. The blonde guy took on Haizaki with Amethyst. He wasn't handling it too well, giving away a lot of skills for free. He wasn't thinking things through.

"Blondey! Hey! What are you doing?! You're giving the thief skills, your skills you won't be able to use again, for free!" Amethyst yelled. She was quick to her temper, losing it easily. She will not lose this match because of the insolence of her peers. She cannot lose this match.

She needs to play.

She needs to be on the team.

"I- I'm sorry! I don't mean to... I'm not thinking!" The blonde teen flustered. "I- I'm sorry!"

Amethyst softened. "Don't worry about it kid. Just pick yourself up. Think. Use that brain of yours, I know you have one up there. Use basic skills for now, don't give anything away unless you need to. Don't let me down now."

The blonde was startled by the girl's sudden personality change. One moment she was scary and the next she was like a gentle mother! What the hell!

"I... I won't!"

Amethyst nodded and they continued playing their plan.

Akashi caught onto it, signalling to his teammates that it was what they discussed before the break ended.

Five minutes pass and the first string regulars are ahead by 6 points.


Another four minutes pass and they're ahead by a single point.

There was one minute left in the entire second quarter.

68-67, first string's favour.

There isn't any way Amethyst can pull herself out of this. Aomine thought to himself. Akashi had already planned it all out. He knew they were going to win, despite him wanting to lose so Amethyst could be on the team.

Once again, Akashi's ego has gotten in the way of any rational thoughts. Aomine grimaced to himself.

It was useless.

There was no time.

Thirty seconds left on the clock.

Amethyst nodded at the mullet-head and he jumped from his position guarding the giant. Confusion flashed across the face of the grey haired Haizaki very briefly but it was replaced by the cruel smile he had worn on his face the whole match.

"What are you planning, little birdy?" He crooned, licking his finger.

"Gross. That's disgusting." Amethyst shot back, grimacing with a look of pure revulsion on her face. "And I'm not planning anything. I'm simply utilising my peers."

The mullet-head ran in the direction of Aomine, who opened his mouth in surprise. Mullet-head kept running in his direction, as if to face-first bash into him.

Behind him, the ravenette - who had switched positions to be on Kuroko a few minutes ago, leaving Aomine open to receive the ball, which he now had - and stole the ball from Aomine.

At the same time as this, the blonde guy moved to mark Akashi, using his height and muscular physicality to overpower him, forcing the pink head to stay where he was.

The vice-captain realised what was happening.

"MURASAKIBARA! MOVE! SHE'S GOING TO SCORE A THREE!" Akashi yelled to the lazy titan, who began to run to the moving ball in hopes to steal it on his command.

Cat Eyes, who now no longer had a mark, proceeded to run from his station under the net, sprinted to find the phantom.

The Ravenette finally passed to Amethyst, who immediately ran to the other end of the court. The other end of the court that was empty.

Amethyst stops to shoot, unguarded and smiling. It was an easy shot, and a shot that took even the future-predicting Akashi Seijuro by surprise.

As she took position, a blue headed certain someone slid in front of her, hands outreached.

"I'm sorry Amethyst-chan. I can't have you take this shot. Akashi ordered us to win. We can't lose." Kuroko said softly, his eyes wide.

"And I'm sorry too, Kuroko. I can't lose to you." The girl replied in kind, her smile wide and creepy.

Amethyst backed up, dribbling the ball to the halfway line.

"What are you doing!? Aomine broke free!" She heard the voice of her comrades but ignored them. She knew what she was doing.

With Aomine hot on her tail, Amethyst sped towards the hoop.

She leaped over Kuroko, jumping from the reach of Aomine and towards the goal.

The buzzer sounds, signalling the end of the game.

Simultaneously, the buzzer sounds, signalling a point being scored.

It was over.


It was over.

Amethyst had won.

Wow. What an ending. Super duper game, well done little Amethyst. Haizaki being a creep-o too.

What will happen next?

Stay tuned to find out, buddies!


Vivacious Azalea ~ KNB X OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora