8: 🌼❤️🍑

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bowser pov

Well that was strange. Peach and I's date, I mean. She seemed really upset that I was, well, straight. Almost too upset. Maybe I should go check on her. No. I'll talk to her in the morning, it's okay. She's probably alright.

But, that's so strange. Maybe I did something else to upset her? God why can I never do anything right.

luigi pov

STUPID STUPID STUPID. why can't I do anything right!?! I sat up and pulled a pillow over my face and let out a small screech. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. Red bags had formed under my eyes and I looked like I had been crying for hours. I soon realized that I had been crying for hours when I looked over at the tall analog clock. I looked again at myself and noticed how sweaty I was. I stepped into the closet and put on a different shirt, one that was green. My favorite color. I opened the door and sat down, sighing.

I turned around when I heard high pitched grunting coming from the window, I peered outside and saw nothing, until I looked down. I saw a small green toad trying to climb his way up on the stones to my tower, which really wasn't that far off the ground. He saw me and squeaked and jumped off the tower. I sharply inhaled, expecting to hear a splat when he hit the bottom, but It didn't come. I looked down again and saw two figures trying to come up my tower.

"This is it." I murmured to myself, "This is how I die." I sat down on the chaise against one of the walls, and huffed. I soon heard a rap at the window and went over to open it. They'll get in somehow, better let them get it over with quicker.

The two figures stepped in, one was twiggy and the other was very muscular. They were both wearing black suits.

I gulped "If you're going to kill me, do it fast please."

The twiggy one started laughing so hard, they might have been choking. The muscular one took of their mask and it was.. Daisy? That means the twiggy one was.. She pulled off her mask, and I was right, it was Peach.

"You should have seen your face!!" Peach said, laughing so hard her face was red. Daisy smiled nervously looking at her.

"What are you two doing here?"

"We came here to check up on you." Daisy spoke quietly, trying to quiet Peach. "And, we might have some news." Peach went oddly quiet as she said that.

She whispered to Daisy "I thought we weren't telling anyone about that."

"Telling anyone about what?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips.

"Well I think Peach might be.." Daisy started but Peach put her hand over Daisys mouth, trying to stop her from continuing.

"Might be what? Is she alright?"

Peach sighed and gave up, "Pregnant. I might be pregnant."

"What? With who? Who's the dad?"

"Well... It might be King Boo?" she smiled sheepishly.

"You're kidding." I looked at her, looking for any hint of joking in her eyes.

"No.." She dropped her head down.

"Jesus. Don't tell him though."

"Yeah no i'm not that dumb."

"Are you going to raise them on your own?"

"Of course not," she smiled, "Daisy is going to help me." Daisy smiled back

I responded with the first thing that came to mind, "That's gay."

Daisy laughed and Peach went red.

"Relax Peach, it's just a joke" I snickered. We all knew Peach was a massive simp for Daisy, and we liked to tease her about it. Not Mario though. Shit. Mario.

"Mario.. Did he..?"

Peach looked to the side and Daisy nodded a bit.

"But I taught him a lesson I don't think he's gonna forget anytime soon." She smiled a bit and Peach giggled.

There was a knock on my door.

"shit, hide. quick." I spoke as they dived into my closet.

"Peach? Can I come in?" It was Bowser.

"Yeah. Come in."

He stepped in and looked at me and sighed.

"I'm sorry if I said anything at dinner tonight, You seem kinda upset and i'm sorry if I did anything."

"Nonono you're fine!" My heart hurt as I remembered what he said at dinner, "I'm just not feeling very well."

"What's wrong? Do i need to send in a Nurse to keep an eye on you?"

"No i'm fine, It's just.. cramps."

"Oh, ok. I think there's a heating pad somewhere in the closet." Bowser started walking over.

"NO!!" I spoke, then I cleared my throat, "No, I'm fine now, if I need it later i'm sure I can find it on my own." I smiled thankfully.

"Okay. You're sure you don't want me to send anyone in?"

"Yes, i'm fine. I'm about to go to bed anyway."

"Well, I was going to ask if you would like to," he cleared his throat, "join me... in my bed."

My mind immediately took that in a non-wholesome way and my face got red. "No i'm fine, maybe another night? I'm really tired."

He looked sad, "Oh, okay. I'll leave you be then." He began walking out of my room. I began walking over to the closet, only opening it when I was sure he was gone.

"Okay you guys can come out now."

I looked at the two of them, both of their faces were red from holding in laughter.

"You know, he wasn't inviting you to do...that.. right? If he wanted to do that with you, you would know."

"You say that like you've don't that with him before." I chuckled a bit, and her face got red.


"Please don't tell me you've done that with him before."


"Wait," Daisy interrupted, "How long ago was the last time you...yknow....with him?"

Peach looked up, thinking, "Probably 3 months ago. Why?"

Daisy and I made eye contact, and I could tell we were thinking the same thing.

"Well there's daddy contestant #2" She giggled and peach turned bright pink.

"You're kidding.. right?"

"Unfortunately nope, but we don't have to tell

him." Daisy giggled.

"Okay but, you two really would be such a cute couple." I smirked

Daisy went quiet and Peach turned red.

"I could cut the tension in this room with a pair of scissors and still have trouble."

"We have to go now." Peach grabbed Daisy by the wrist and walked toward the window they had come in.

"BYEEEEE" they said together, hopping out.

I sat down on the bed and closed my eyes.

🌼daisy pov🌼

That was... an adventure. As we rode home in a carriage, I thought to myself. I was exhausted, but too awake to fall asleep. Unlike Peach, who had fallen dead asleep. We went over a bump and her body slumped over and landed on my shoulder. I could feel my face getting hot. I've never felt this way for a girl before. Like, i've crushed on a girl but.. not like this. I want to protect her and keep her safe, and love her. I moved my arm and put it around her shoulder.

God she's cute when she sleeps.

I think i'm in love.

Hey guys!! Sorry for not updating in a while, I haven't been doing great. But i'm doing a lot better now. I'm hoping to update more regularly, sorry this part is short!! -Jay❤️

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