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Warnings : (PG13) Basically people getting tired of Wally and Jo and then being obsessed with one another, enjoy 😉

Warnings : (PG13) Basically people getting tired of Wally and Jo and then being obsessed with one another, enjoy 😉

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1 - The Cafeteria
Song: All I ever Asked - by Rachel Chinouriri

"This is becoming a problem" Charley said, lip slightly curled and one eyebrow raised.
"That's one way of putting it" Maddie stared into her bowl of melting ice cream.
"God I want to die all over again" Rhonda scoffed, tipping her hat down to cover her eyes.
"Isn't it past the honeymoon phase yet?" Charley asked, lifting his slurpee to his mouth. "Seriously it's like someone superglued their tongues together"
"This is just the beginning," Maddie sighed, remembering when her and Xavier first starting really dating. "Trust me, making out in the Cafeteria is nothing"
"Yeah well it's putting me off my food" Rhonda shoved her fries away. "I'm gonna go set fire to something, I'll catch you freaks later" She stood abruptly and departed.
"I think I want to go as well, leave Romeo and Juliet to it" Charley looked to Maddie. "Speaking of which, you want to go watch the auditions for the winter musical?"
"I'm bringing this" Maddie spooned another mouthful of strawberry ice cream as her and Charley got up from their seats. They walked down the hall and passed by the table opposite where Wally and Jo where. Charley patted Wally's shoulder.
"Have fun kids"
"Remember to come up for air" Maddie called over her shoulder as they left the room and headed toward the Theater.
Jo was currently on Wally's lap, hands cupping his face. Wally had his hands gripping her waist, pulling back when the others had already left.
"Where did they go?" He asked slightly breathy.
"Don't know, I thought we were all going to grab some food then go watch a movie?" She frowned, fingers lowering to rest on his shoulders. Jo felt the muscles under her palms, dragging her attention off of where her friends had left and back on the boy she was currently straddling. She wasn't this type of chick, she usually stole kisses in secret of private. PDA she was never brave enough to do. Yet there was something about how he made her feel, confidence to be who she always wanted to be. Thus when they walked into here and got their ice cream and jello, she didn't hesitate when Wally tugged her down on his lap. One thing led to another and they'd gotten a little more adventurous of late.
"Oh shit" Wally smiled cheekily, arms wrapping around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "We're that couple"
"What couple?" Jo raised an eyebrow.
"The one that makes everyone else uncomfortable" He laughed. "Y'know the couple that makes out everywhere and no one wants to hang out with them cause its either them being annoying or gross"
"Oh my god we are that couple" Jo widened her eyes slightly at the realisation, "They probably hate us"
"They'll get over it" He shrugged, hands running up and down her back. "I just can't help it" He breathed out, eyes staring at her mouth. Jo bit down on her lip, feeling a little giddy.
"I've never been this way, with anyone before" She moved, sitting herself on one of his legs. "I feel a little-"
"Overwhelmed?" He asked worriedly, on hand going on her knee.
"No" She shook her head, a shy expression conversing her face. "Surprised with myself"
"Oh" Wally bit the inside of his cheek, thumb making circles on her thigh. "In a good way?"
"Well maybe not for everyone" She laughed, motioning to the door Maddie and Charley left through. Wally shrugged again, reaching over and kissing her cheek.
"Are you having fun small fry" He said for nostalgia sake but his eyes told something very different. She returned his flirty look, nails gently grazing his hair back, after a moment or two past where she struggled to string a sentence together.
"We should probably go do something else other than, sit here all day" Jo eventually said, stuttering slightly. She slid off his knee, straightening her skirt. Wally looked over to the opposite side of the room for a second with a cocky smile, before slowly standing up to his full height in front of her, eyes dark and smouldering. He watched Jo take in a breath, mouth slightly parting once again struggling for words. Wally leaned over and gently took her face with one hand, thumb and index finger taking either side of her jaw. He knelt down some of the way and drew her in the rest, Wally happily watched her eyes flutter closed before he kissed her slow and lingered. After some good time he pulled back just enough to speak, both of their eyes opening. Their was a haze over hers, pupils dilated as a whole zoo erupted in her stomach. He smirked, thumb stroking her jaw back and forth gently.
"Hey angle face if you wanted to sit here all day and let me kiss you, then that's a day well spent"
Jo just stares at him, she can't help it. In part she wishes she was more smooth but at the end of it, Wally had her tied around his little finger and she was happy to be there.
"Okay I'm never going to get used to this" Jo muttered, going down from her tip toes and flat on her heels as she puts some space between them both. Wally grinned, letting go of her jaw and tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Get used to it babe" He slid an arm around her shoulder. "Why not we go and you can pick a book out of the library- find a nice spot outside and we can read it together"
"See this is why I'm obsessed with you" Jo shook her head in disbelief. "Freakin, written by a women freak of nature with perfect everything and perfect at everything. Seriously did they make you in a lab?" She all but growled out.
"What do you not want to go to the library then?"
"Yes" She snapped at him.
"Why are you upset now?' He laughed.
"Because your goddamn beautiful Wally " She rolled her eyes, "and I feel like I don't tell you enough but you are and your super tall and built a brick shit house. You've got that hair that I want to run my hands through and you listen so good and it's so sexy. You wanna know the best thing?" She doesn't give him time to respond. "I'll tell you, the brown eyes, the brown eyes that just one minute look at me like you'd protect me for the whole damn world and then the next their undressing me. It's just sometimes, too much. The freckles? And smiles and laugh that comes from your body. Just stop okay because I can't breathe, I can't cope having a boyfriend that so hot all the time" Jo ranted and raved, hands on her hips, flaring every now and then with the up most serious tone. Her face was flushed, eyes staring at either him or the floor.
Wally just stood there the whole time. Tongue pressed behind his teeth, eyes widen and just absorbing every ounce of her as she paced and ranted. He'd never been complimented in his life hardly by a girl. He felt a blush crawl up his neck to his ears and face.
"And now your squirming, i squirm not you. Don't blush cause now your even cuter" Jo rubbed her face exhaustedly as if she worked a full time job, raised three kids and paid the bills.
"I'm sorry, I just don't know-I've never, no one has ever. Erm, wow you've really thrown me um" He swallowed tightly, adam's apple bobbing. "All I said was, to go pick a book and got all that? Shit I need to take you to the library more often" He scratched the side of his face.
"Yeah well, that's dumb that no one has said anything before, it's fairly obvious from where I'm standing" She crossed her arms, almost pouty. Wally pressed his index finger to his lip, biting back a smile as his eyes glittered with joy.
"Well now I just want to kiss you again"
"No" She pointed a finger at him, like he was puppy that just pissed on the carpet. "None of that, mind control"
"Mind control huh?" He slowly nodded. "So your saying if I kiss you enough that I could get you to do anything"
"Shut up, I'm not golf cart racing again Wally" She waved her finger at him again.
"Oh come on it was so much fun!" He pleaded, hands reaching her waist.
"Yeah till I nearly crashed, went too fast down the hill and nearly flipped the cart over the football field" Jo reminded him, making him sigh. "Now are we going to the library or not" Jo picked up his jacket off the table and handed it to him.
"Yes ma'am" He smiled and pulled it on, following her out happily.

School Spirits - Wally Clark/ OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя