21- Must Stay Focused

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Will jumps up running to the bathroom, brushing his teeth as quick as he can. Frantically running around the house continuously glancing at the clock, the time was ticking by. The chestnut-haired boy sprints to his room while Mike leaves to the bathroom the shorter boy changing his clothes from yesterday to a fresh pair.

Will digs through his closet throwing Mike a pair of clean clothes. It consists of just an oversized pair of hoodie and joggers, ordinarily Will would have been melting at the fact that Mike was in his room and wearing his clothes but right now he couldn't afford Mike being late. Will leaves his room allowing the raven-haired boy to change in privacy glancing at the mounted wall clock once again, it read '7:33'. They were definitely late, but this wouldn't detour Will. The raven-haired boy flies out of the smaller boy's room towards the front door.

"We're gonna be late! Love you! Bye Mom" The chestnut-haired boy uttered fumbling to unlock the door

"Bye Mom" The raven-haired boy unconsciously copied, instantly regretting what he said glowing a bright red. He turns his head towards the door not wanting to see Joyce's reaction.

Will finally unlocks the front door, the pair run out.

"Goodbye my two sons" The auburn-haired woman smiles a small giggle playing on her lips, Mike smiles seeing Joyce perched on the patio, coffee mug in hand, she waves.

"Stay safe" She shouts from the patio jumping in the car speeding to the set, Will holds tight to the handle of the car visably uncomfortable by the speed of the car. The fast speed and reckless driving reminded him of when he was young, when his father Lonnie Byers would speed all the time almost causing traffic accidents. Will squeezed his eyes tight

Mike has his eyes on the road but through his peripherals he could see Will visibly uncomfortable. Painting a small frown he slows down the car to a steady pace. Mike placed a comforting hand on the thigh of the smaller boy, Will places a steady breath opening his eyes fidgeting with his fingers.

Upon reaching the carpark, looking forward the shorter boy sees a familiar red head standing by the bike rack, her hair was tied into a high ponytail, she wore jeans and a white-rainbow tee. She tapped her foot up and down crossing both arms across her chest.

Will looked towards Max's side seeing two tall figures running around panicking, the two figures were that of Steve and Robin. Max shook her head, rolling her eyes

Mike parks the car in his parking spot near the front of the set. The pair get out, walking towards Max. Upon reaching the trio Mike was whisked away by Robin and Steve, Will watched as the two surrounded him screaming in his ears about keeping his phone charged. Mike covered his ears walking away from Steve and Robin.

Will turns his attention towards the redhead, both continuing walking with the chestnut-haired boy closely following behind, the pair remain silent. Will got a bad gut feeling, was Max annoyed at him for not meeting her that morning. Stepping close to Max's trailer, they both enter closing the door behind them.

"You slept with Mike?" Max screams

"What? No" Will refuses, waving his hands around Max's face.

"Mike told me you slept together" The redhead stood hands on hips

"Yes, we actually slept" Will claims slowing words down shushing her. Max looked only half convinced

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