9- Robin Our Saviour

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"So why did you leave like that?" The redhead stood with her arms crossed, tapping her foot to the ground. "I went to go ask Mike my favour" He smugly replied.

"Is that why you ran like you were being hunted for sport?" She giggles "And what exactly did you ask for? A Date? A kiss?" She teases, making kissing noises.

"That's classified information!" Will blushes. He pouts crossing his arms. Max flicks his arm trying to get his attention. He sighs pretending to be offended

"SO, YOU DID?" Max screams.

"Keep your voice down" He covered the red head's mouth and looks around "Actually I asked for something else, you'll see" He winked causing Max to cringe, the pair erupt into laughter.

"Miss Mayfield? We need your trailer key" a security guard interrupted, scaring the two friends; they jumped, Max nodded her head hung low; taking the guard into the trailer. Will looked in the direction Mike went

'I hope Mike completes my favour' He mutters under his breath

Max returns enraged, she walks to Will interlocking arms with him and dragging him away. They continue walking, ignoring people who walked pass, Max bumps and rushes pass them, Will tilts his head around mouthing a 'sorry' to people as they charged pass the front desk.

They reach the car and sit inside; the pair sit in silence not moving an inch. Will looks at Max, she looks out the window, choking back a sob. The brown-haired boy grips her shoulder firmly, he turns her around slowly to face him, she covers her face breaking down. Snot and tears mix as they drip down her face. She wipes her tears as more cascade.

Will looks in shock, Max has never had this big of an emotional reaction to anything, he does what he knows best, he embraces her. She pulls him close, hugging him tighter. She bawls onto his shoulder, and he whispers;

"They'll beg for you to come back; trust me, you'll find another acting role where they will acknowledge how great you are. Because you're amazing Max, you're my role model and I will always be here for you, and I love you Max. You're the best person anyone could ask for" She held him close, tears slowing as she grew quieter and quieter, her breathing calm before she spoke

"I love you too Will, I'll be alright I just needed to get my frustrations out and I'm here for you too," she pulled away from the hug but still held Will, she grasped his shoulders "But tell anyone I cried, and I will hunt you down" She added, making the pair burst out laughing



Two thuds were heard from the window on the passenger's side, the pair separated, both turned their attention towards the window. Their stood a tall woman with short hair and bright blue eyes. She pointed at Max signalling her to leave the car and talk to her, Will read the woman's badge:

'Robin Buckley - Executive producer'

Max and Will turned to look at each other in sync, Max debated what to do. she was worried that this woman would shout at her for sneaking Will onto the set. The woman outside the car beamed as she tapped on the window again. Max swallowed the lump in her throat as she reached for the car door handle. She steps out the car leaving Will to watch.

The two women walked a distance away from the car, Will watched from his seat, he watched as the red head's expression changed, her eyes lit up and her previous scowl replaced by glee. Unable to know what the pair were saying Will assumed Max had just gotten good news. Robin then pointed at Will; he turned his head away acting as if he had not been staring. The two girls then continued their conversation intently until Max hugged Robin, twirling her in circles as the blue-eyed girl hugged her back, Max let go of Robin. The redhead casually skipped back to the car, she was glowing, a grin plastered onto her face. She excitedly throws open the car door.

"THEY WANT ME BACK" She practically vomited the words out her mouth. 


727 Words

Hmmmm so what was Will's Favour, i guess we'll see in the next chapter

Stay safe people <3

Panic In The Movies; Byler ✔️Where stories live. Discover now