15- Two is Company, Six is a Party

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"Hehe, I still can't believe that El complimented my acting" Max gushed, shimmying her shoulders side to side. Will rolled his eyes turning his attention towards Lucas. Earlier when El came to see Mike act she saw Max, El complimented and remembered her name, this led to the redhead being overjoyed. She punched Will's arm when she saw his eyeroll

"The day went so fast, its already time to go" She giggles. The chestnut-haired boy walked in the middle surrounded by his two friends who trotted either side of him.

"By the way Will don't think I've forgotten, we are still going to Starcourt" Max joked flicking Will's arm, Lucas's ears perk up

"Can I come?" He questioned with puppy dog eyes.

"What would you do if we said no?" Will amused raising an eyebrow at Lucas, The athletic boy smiled squinting his eyes. The boys talk noticing Max was distracted. She sees two familiar faces from across the studio.

"Hey guys... do u know who we should invite" She blurts. The two boys remained quiet; they look in the direction she was staring in. Will shook his head profusely, he already knew who she was thinking of inviting.

Mike and El

Even though he really wanted to talk to Mike again, the chestnut-haired boy didn't know how to start the conversation considering the way Mike literally ran off last time. He looked at Lucas who was still trying to identify who Max wanted to bring along with them in the sea of people. Will looked back at the redhead; she was no longer by his side, looking forward he sees the girl sprinting full speed towards Mike and El, shouting.

"HEY GUYS" She jumps over as if greeting old friends

Will stands by Lucas. He facepalmed, this is literally embarrassing, of course two mega-famous celebrities aren't going to hang out with a couple of normies. Will looks toward them again, through a crack in his hand he sees Mike look over, Will panics; hiding behind Lucas. The athletic boy looks at Mike, awkwardly throwing on a smile and a wave.

"Do you want to come to the mall with us?" Max asks nonchalantly, she stood with her hands on her hip, not even daring to look back at Will who was still behind Lucas. Max looked hopeful; her eyes gleamed, this way she would spend more time with El and Will would get to spend time with Mike, it was a fool proof plan. She looked at the pair's faces, they stare blankly. Mike opens his mouth; Max expects rejection but El blurts.

"Yay! We would love to!" The brunette practically vomits the words out her mouth interlocking arms with both Max and Mike. The redhead looks at Mike's face now, he had a small grin. Max directs El who rushes them to Will and Lucas.

"What!" Lucas stood shocked as he never met Mike before, he looked at both Mike and El, his eyes widened. He was starstruck.

"Umm where's Will?" Mike asks, tilting his head

"He's behind me" Lucas snickered putting his hand behind his back and pulling Will out by the arm. Will flushed, this was not the way he planned on speaking to Mike again, he awkwardly waves.

Will Byers is definitely a weird person; he doesn't really fit into the textbook definition of a twenty-first century male. His attraction towards guys; his colourful clothes and bowlcut always made him the victim of bullying. He was awkward around most people even if they are close. If an unpleasant interaction happens, he assumes the worst and the next time they meet Will acts very stiff. This confused a lot of people; including Mike who thought that the chestnut-haired boy was his new friend.

Panic In The Movies; Byler ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن