103 8 1

7:39 p.m.


what's wrong



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i feel like i'm dying

i'm sorry love :(
i wish there was something i could do to help

just text him or something

you know that's not a good idea

i'm gonna die

you are not going to die

i am
i'm just withering away on the floor
i miss him so much

i know
he'll come around eventually
he just has to find his own way through it
you did too

you said like three days cal it has been a month
i cannot get air into my lungs

i know
and i'm really sorry
i thought he'd get over it
i don't know why he's so upset
you just wanted to help

i dunno
i mean i get it
no one likes their actions being questioned or criticized
and i know he didn't like me comparing whatever the hell he and ash are doing, to me and max
and obviously they aren't the same
like i know they aren't
it's just the backsliding and not communicating and still sleeping together while ignoring all of their problems
that was the root of most of my issues w max
inevitably what finished us was his narcissism and inability to cope with the fact that he told me to move on so i did
but the getting back together?
that was built on hooking up and not truly working through our issues and failing to communicate any and all problems
and i see ace going down that road and i just want to protect him from it but i know i can't
and i'm not really mad at him not taking my advice or heeding my warnings or anything
i'm more-so just hurt by the fact that he completely disregarded everything i had to say about max and how i just want him to deal with things in a healthy way
like the complete lack of care towards everything i said is what got me
and it's not in a "why won't he listen to me" or "i'm always right" kind of way
he just. ignored me. didn't care. got mad at me when i expressed that i was upset about that. and that hurt so much more than anything else
genuinely this hurts so much different than relationships
like he's my best friend
you and him are the only two people on the planet that know all the shit i'm too scared to tell anybody else
and i think i'm losing that
and idk what to do

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