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Norah's Point of View

The Ducks game here in San Jose is going into Shoot Out. No goals were scored in overtime. Trevor scores a SO goal, then SJ scores too. Troy misses but someone on the Sharks scores. Mason scores, tying it up 2-2.

The Sharks miss, the the Ducks miss, then the Sharks miss again. Trevor scores a goal, winning the game for the Ducks.

I was in a section full of Sharks fans but that didn't stop me from jumping and cheering as loud as possible.

"Yeah! Woohoo! Go Ducks!" I was getting glares and bombastic side-eyes left and right but that didn't stop me from showing my boys support.

Trevor waves at me and I return the favor. On the way out of the arena, everyone was sluggish and moody. What they don't know is, you can still celebrate even if you lose.

Once I finally get out of the arena, I get into my car. I checked out before the game so I could start the drive home afterward, but I underestimated how tired I would be after. It's too late now, so I guess it's just me and the truckers on the highway.

Just as I put my car into drive, someone taps on my passenger seat window. It's Trevor, I roll the window down.

"You can't drive way tonight, it's way too late and highly dangerous." He says.

"I'll be fine." I say. "It's only a 5 hour drive."

"Without traffic and without stops. You'll be getting back at like 6 in the morning." He says. It's nice that he's concerned but I'll be fine.

"I'll be fine, Trevor."

"I don't care what Taylor songs you plan on blasting to keep you awake, you are not driving back to Anaheim tonight." He says.

"I already checked out of my hotel, I have to drive back."

"Luckily for you, there is a spare room at the team hotel." He says.

"I'm not accepting that offer."

"I'll just call your mom and let her know what you plan on doing then." He says grabbing his phone out of his pocket.

Are we 8?

I still give in anyway. "Fine." I say. He texts me the address of the hotel. "See you in a minute." I say sarcastically before backing out of my parking spot.

Secretly, I'm kind of glad I don't have to drive all the way back tonight but I'm never telling him that. That'll only boost his ego more.

I drove to the hotel, I arrived before the buses. I don't really know what I'm supposed to do now. I grabbed my suitcase out of my trunk and walked into the lobby.

"How may I help you?" The clerk said looking up from the computer. Her hair was so slicked back and tight, she looked like she was Asian fishing.

"I- I um have a spare room?" It comes out more as a question.


"Norah Jones."

"Ma'am. You don't have a room here." She says with a sigh.

"But T-"

"Do you know how many girls come here claiming that they have a room just to be in the same hotel as a hockey team?" She asks.

"I can imagine but I actually do have a room here." I say.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Nice try though." She says.

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